Unsuspected DISASTER

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Head mistress Cinderella POV🎃

I was working in my office, trying to grade work from my class, when two students I've never recognized before walked it.

"Hello. You must be the headmistress. Cinderella right" asked one of them. She had green hair.

"That is right" I said warmly "You must be new students. I didn't recognize you"

"I'm Laura Beanstalk" said the green haired girl.  "And this here is Isobella Hood"

"We are transfer students" said Isobella.

"Well welcome to Regal academy! I wasn't aware that we were going to have new students, but I will ask Snowwhite later about this"

Just then, there was another knock on the door.

Hawk POV❄️

              I was at H.M Cinderella's door, waiting for her to let me in. I decided to set up a surprise in the ballroom to confess to Rose tomorrow, but I'll need her permission. 'Rose' I sighed, wishing that she would just me mine already. That I could skip to the future and get over the hard part, no matter her answer.

As I was thinking this the portal to the office opened, and there were two girls I didn't recognize. One gave me an interested look (never a good sign, I don't need MORE girls running after me) and another gave me a short glance and looked away.

Trying my best to ignore them, I went to H.M Cinderella's desk and asked if I could borrow the ballroom, but she barely even recognized I had entered.

She looked up after a minute, and said "Why hello Hawk. How is your granny? Oh my, talk about perfect timing. Hawk, I need you to give these new transfer students a tour of the campus please. Explain how life works here, school rules and times, and everything else. That's Laura (points) and she is Isobella"

"But what about the ballr—" I was cut off.

"Come to me later. Ok bye" said H.M Cinderella, and she left us. Knowing her, later probably meant never.

Why hello there. And who might you be, said Laura, I think, in a slightly slurred voice. Was she sick? Did she need to get something out of her eye? She kept blinking a lot. Or is it..... Great. Just great. Let have more princesses run after me, more villains cause I don't want them. Not especially after Ruby. Yippe. I inwardly groaned.

"Um hello?" Said Isobella, waving a hand in front of my face.

"Sorry. I'm Hawk Snowwhite" I said, and offered a smile. Hey,  They were new students after all

"Let's go" said Laura, still blinking hard and talking slurred. I forced myself to not roll my eyes and grimace when she looped her arm around mine. Keep it together Hawk. She is just a new kid.

(Skip school tour cause I'm lazy, and it'll be boring)

Rose POV👠

I was walking to the portal, when I saw Hawk. I ran to him, but he turned, and I saw another girl, hand wrapped around in his. He looked bored, but I could clearly tell that she was flirting with him. Just as I was about to go, the grim reached up, and KISSED him. Well, not on the lips, or I probably would have clawed out all her hair, but on the cheek.

Hawk POV ❄️
My mind: ————————————-WHAT

She... s-she just kissed me. Only on the cheek but still. I- I what? I'm so confused. Only Rose had ever done that, once. I realized my hand was raised or my cheek, pressed to where she had kissed me. I stood there like a moron, then my senses came back, and I spun a round to tell her that I didn't like her, the best way to avoid this all, but instead of seeing 2 retreating figures, I saw three. Isobella, Laura, and....


Oh shit.

Heyyy. Look, even I agree it was a slightly boring chapter at beginning cause I had to introduce the characters, BUT I WILL MAKE UP FOR ITTTTTTT!!!! You might wanna continue reading. serious stuff bout to go down lmaooo!!!

I'll update in a couple days!!!

Mimi_ship out❤️❤️❤️

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