Through the portal

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Hawk POV❄️

I found Rose by the biggest mirror. She had her wand out, and was tapping at it. I saw an image come up, and gasped. All the villains were there. The evil queen, the sea witch, EVERYONE. She... Rose was telling the truth...

"R-Rose? Please don't do this. I can't loose you." I pleaded "I'm sorry, really sorry. If only you had told me—-" I said, trying to reason with her when she interrupted me.

"Well then" she snarled "why, this whole year, you treated me like trash. You and everyone else. I didn't exist. You guys were having a bright, bubbly, happy life together, while I was shadowed. Hell, you didn't even notice when I didn't show up to class. I hope you and Laura have a good life together" then her tone softened "I'm sorrry Hawk, but I have to do this. It's the only way. I-I still love you, I always will." She paused, the leaned forwards and kissed me. That was enough to make me freeze. She pulled away, wiped her tears, and whispered, for the last time, "I love you. Goodbye" and with that, she walked through. Now all I could was, unfortunately, watch.

What will happen to Rose when she is met with 100+ villains?

Mimi_ship out❤️❤️❤️

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