Ending (sad version)

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Hawk POV❄️

My children ran around me, laughing and rolling in the grass. It was a blue, sunny day. I raised my hand to block the sunlight, a ring shining on my finger. My wife, Delilah, sat on the picnic blanket, watching us happily. I looked back up at the sky. The aching in my heart dulled, but never truly went away. I had moved on, yet a part of me always would remember the girl who gave my children a future in this world. The girl i'd loved so much. I knew that it was fate, that I met her, and fate too, that she died. And I knew, that in her final resting place, she would be happy.

Leaving my family for a minute, I made my way up a hill just slightly a couple meters away from our picnic spot. I had something to do. It was that time of the year. Her death anniversary.

At the top of the hill I came across a huge tree with overhanging leaves. I pushed them to the side, and there it was. I took a rose out of my  pocket, and placed it on her grave.

I smiled, and I knew that somewhere up there, she was smiling too.

"See you next year, Rose Cinderella"

Forgotten Princess- A Hase storyWhere stories live. Discover now