My Decision

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Hawk POV❄️

"Rose!" I yelled; but she continued stalking away. I was about to follow her, but Laura stopped me. "Give her some time or calm down, she'll come back" said Laura slyly. I knew I should've gone after Rose, but, hey, true love? I have to listen to it. Again, forever is a long time, I reminded myself.

Mirrror Hawk POV🌫

I knew something wasn't right. I appeared in Hawks back pocket to hear him call out Rose's name. Something happened. I teleported across mirrors, looking for the one... there. I teleported to it and shouted with concern "ROSE" I could hear crying and sniffing. "Mirror Hawk" she whispered, and took out the mirror ledged between the rocks on the ground. She was in her secret garden past the bus portal. Her face was tear-streaked.

"Hey, hey" I said, "it's okay, they just don't understand. I believe you. I was there when the meeting happened. Do you want to talk to me?" She nodded sniffing, and burst into tears once more.

"I don't know how to feel: betrayed, sad, happy that they won't be hurt. I don't know" she wailed. "I though I could trust them. I though they could trust ME. They're all the same"

"hey, look at me. You are special and amazing. If they don't want you they're missing out on a lot. These things happen... you can't let that destroy you." I reasoned.

"But IT IS DESTROYING ME" she said. "You know what, you are right. I don't need them. I'll do this myself."

"Wait what. Rose don't you dare go there alone. You CANT go the the villans meeting alone! There will be HUNDREDS— no THOUSANDS of them. ROSE THATS SUICIDE"

"I'm sorry Mirror Hawk... I'm going"

"No.... Rose please" I said desperately

She smiled sadly "at least for the first time in my life I'll de something good. Goodbye, Mirror Hawk." And she stuffed the mirror back between the rocks and walked away, leaving me screaming her name.

I didn't know what to comment here... it feels like a chapter that is best left uncommented by me.


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