The Beginning

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Rose POV👠

I was happy for them. Honestly. Hawk is an amazing guy, and he deserves someone just as amazing.

But why did I feel like crying? Why was I so furious? Why did I feel like running away, instead of congratulating him or helping him as a friend. I turned and began walking int eh opposite direction, trying to hold in the tears, doing everything in my will power to not run, at least, not yet.

I made sure Hawk was no where in sight, and I began running, wanting to disappear. Sure I had a crush on Hawk, but I was prepared for rejection. At least I thought I was.

I didn't slow my run until I reached an abandoned bus. It looked like an old rickety thing, but if you went inside, it's like a portal. I stepped through the doorway, and instantly I was teleported to the Garden of enchanted lakes. I sat down, looking into the water, a finger lazily tracing my reflection. Stupid. So stupid. He would never love me. I knew it. He was probably off with his new girlfriend, having fun. I would always be alone.


Hawk POV❄️

The girl was a fast runner, I give you that. I'm surprised she hadn't burst into tears while running, blond hair swaying. Guilt filled my stomach, making my throat a twisted knot. She went to a bus, and I waited, curiosity taking over what was she doing at this rickety bus. She disappeared, and I almost yelled out. Slowly, I approached the bus, and sure enough, she had disappeared. I entered the bus, and suddenly, 'Dorthy wasn't in Kansas anymore'(from wizard of oz)

I was in a garden, filled with exotic plants, and the clearest water I've ever seen. Rose was sitting on the bank of the lake, lost in thought, finger tracing the water. Her hair shone in the light. Beautiful.

A voice in my head said this was my chance. I didn't know what I would do, but today's the day. Nothing would interrupt me.

Rose POV👠

Hawk put his arm around my shoulders, and pulled me close. "Are you ok" he asked, sounding slightly confused. "Yeah, I'm fine. I don't know what came over me" I responded in a solemn voice. He looked at me with an uncertain look.

"Look if it's about what you saw—-"

"No Hawk. Don't worry I'm fine" I said cutting him off

"Rose. Please listen to me. I know you're not fine, and I really hate seeing you sad. Let me explain, and I'll make everything up to you. You have to understand that she was just another fan girl, and you can't let that make you sad for reasons unknown." Hawk said, then he began blushing as he went onto the next part.

"So how bout this. Remember that crystal cove? Well recently over summer I found another one, wayyy more splendid. So um" he stammered "do you wanna go with me.... alone?"

I was beyond shocked. Even the word shocked doesn't cover it. Whatever I was expecting, it definitely wasn't that. I took a breath, and forced myself to speak.

"You know what, that would be amazing"

Ohhhhhh Hawk gotta dateeee!!!!! Btw, again, some serious stuff bout to go down soon hopefully!!!!!! Maybe???? Idkkkk just find outt😈😈


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