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Hawk POV❄️

Her eyes met mine, and the stone slipped from her fingertips. It fell, almost in slow motion. I was pounding into her glass mirror, but it wouldn't let through. The stone hit the ground, and cracks spread through it.

Rose POV👠

At first, nothing happened. The shortbread witch lunged for the stone, and then.....

It cracked.

The shortbread witch was thrown off her feet at the unexpected release of power. There was a stone encasing building around the crystal, slowly creeping across the ground. Screams were coming from the villains all around me. The dark fairy fluttered to me. This was a new villain. She had the darkest purple 'wings', if that's what you'd call them. Unlike most fairies, she was tall. Taller than me. She grabbed my arm, shaking me. That's when I realized, all the villains could never be defeated. There were still probably more out there, and not to mention their granddaughters or grandsons. And some villains could fly, although it seemed that only this fairy remembered that amongst the rampage. I shouldn't even try. There is no hope.

No. I mentally yelled. I can do this. Don't give up. I trapped the Evil Fairies arm, holding her in place, as a cold unsettling feeling began creeping up my ankles. I looked down to see the stone. At this point pretty much everyone was in the same situation as I was. Some tried to curse their way out, but this was stronger. This was eternal. I realized what that meant. This would be my last day living. I would be dead, forever. One of my cousins back on Earth had died for a couple minutes but then was woken up with the help from doctors, and he told me that all he saw was white. Imagine. 'Seeing' white forever and ever. Being nothing but white, forever... Them the tears came, slowly. Not because the evil fairy was clawing at my arm, drawing blood. Not because of the cold stone intruding and pushing through my body painfully. No. It was because of everyone I would leave behind. Everyone that I loved. Mom, Grandma, Astoria, Lingling, Travis, Isobella, Joy, Shawn, Hawk. Gods I would miss them all.

The stone was now at my neck, making it difficult to breath. I held my head high, despite the tears, and out of the corner of my eye I saw my hands were stone and they were still holding on the the evil fairy who was no more. There was stone everywhere. None leaked out, just covered the dome, encasing is in an eerie silent darkness. There were wails echoing from former villains, but soon it was all silent. My breaths turned shallow, but I kept my eyes open. I saw a crack in the dome, as it came away, and then.....


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