The Fallen Soldier

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Astoria POV📖📒📚

At first, we couldn't see anything. Where the barrier just was, it's now a huge dome made of stone. Tentatively, I flew around the dome, but there was no way to see what was happening inside. There was no talking. Only the sound of our dragons wings. I brought my dragon down to the top of the dome.

"Hey. Can you poke your talon there" I said, patting my dragons mane.

A long talon reached out and, at first, lightly tapped at the top, then he jabbed his finger deeper. Cracks sprouted from the point of pressure area. Nothing happened, and then, slowly, pieces started to fall, small crumbs at first, then to huge flats. I slowly descended, scared the barrier was still there, but we passed through clean air. The barrier was gone.

Hawk POV❄️

I couldn't see what was happening. Something was covering the mirror. I leaned against it, arms against the mirror as I cried into them. I couldn't do anything. I was pathetic, useless. Then suddenly, I fell. I fell through the mirror.

I rolled onto a slab of stone. The place was ashy and quiet, not a sound to be heard. I looked up, and almost screamed. There, staring down at me, was the face of the Evil Witch, her features contorted into a mask of pain. An unsettling feeling rose as I looked around. The Shortbread Witch. Vicky Broomstick. The Snow Queen. They were all here. They were all quiet. They were all stone.

Panic rose into my throat. Where was she. Desperately, I wiped dirt off my face and staggered blind around, shouting as the tears came back.


Astoria and Lingling touched down, carefully of the fallen villains, and hopped off. They immediately spread out, searching for their friend. I went as well. Where was she. I couldn't see her. No one was moving except us. Even if I find her.... is she.... is she even ALIVE?

"H-Hawk" came a broken yell from Astoria. I ran over, and froze.

No. No it couldn't be

Hot tears began to fall


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