Seeing you again ❤️❤️

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Rose POV 👠

My alarm clock buzzed, filling my dreams with the most horrible sound. I groaned, not wanting to get up from my warm, comfortable, and plush bed.
"Roseee" yelled my mom, "get up, your going to be late."
"10 more minutes" I muttered, not wanting to disturb my dream about, and I admit, I probably blushed, Hawk. He had the most dreamy eyes, that sparked every time I saw him. And don't get me started on his smile. But I knew, we weren't meant to be. I mean, there are many other girls in Regal academy. His list of fangirls wasn't getting any shorter. Why me?

I turned, shoving my head under my pillow. "Wait a minute" I mumbled. I shot up, and saw the alarm clock.
" IM LATEEEE" I screeched, jumping out of bed and hastily changing my clothes, I ran down the stairs, tripping over my own feet. Stupid clumsiness. I would not get late today. Not on the first day of my LAST YEAR at REGAL ACADEMY. Plus, Astoria would KILL me. I couldn't wait to see Haw— I mean everyone. The summer was long and fun, but to be honest, I'm glad it was over... I grabbed my shoes, they were looking amazing, might I add, and I stumbled out the door. Oh wait! I forgot something. I ran back inside, and grabbed my portal key. "Bye mom, bye dad" I yelled, grabbing a waffle. There was a muffled 'goodbye' as I left, and took off down the street.

Hawk POV ❄️

This was the year. I could feel it. I was finally gonna confess to Rose. Rose, I sighed... my clumsy little pumpkin. Wait did I just say that. I cringed, and did one last hair check. "Pssst" said something from my bag, and I took out my mirror.
"Good luck today" said mirror Hawk. "You'll need it"
"Hey it's not like I'm going to confess the first day back" I replied. The only people who knew about my crush were Travis, and mirror Hawk, although I suspected Fala knew too.
"Whatever. You may never get another chance." Said mirror Hawk "it's now of never. And don't take it too harshly if she totally rejects you"
"Thanks a lot. I totally feel confident now" I said, shoving the mirror back into my bag. I left my room, and called for my dragon.

Regal academy was beginning to come into view, and I began swooping low. I touched the ground and checked my watch. 5 minutes till class time.
"AHHHHHHHHH" I heard someone yell. Immediately, I reached for my wand, thinking someone was in trouble, but instead I looked up as familiarity of that voice came to me. It was Rose, her hair flying wildly behind her as she dropped from the sky. Classic Rose, I smiled. I calmly walked forwards and held my hands out, used to what would happen next. She landed in my my arms, and for a second looked shocked. Then she smiled, and my stomach felt like it was filled with fire. I missed her smile. It was a very, VERY long summer. She blushed, and I realized I had been staring at her.

"Hey Rose, kind of you to drop in" I said teasingly. Her face turned even more red, and I realized I was still carrying her. I placed her on her feet.

"Hey Hawk" she said cheerfully. "I can't BELIEVE that this is our last year here" she continued. Last year, last chance, I thought as Rose went on about how she missed everyone. "I'm glad your okay" she said, and a tint of red appeared on her cheeks. "I really missed you" she said but she caught herself, looking flustered. "A-a-all of you" and she smiled brilliantly. I found the perfect opening.

"Rose, I need to tell you something important" I said, my heart stopping as I prepared myself for what I had to say.
"Yeah Hawk? You could tell me anything" she said, a curious look crossing her face
"Um, I-I wanted to tell you th-that um. Okay." I said breathing out. "Rose Cinderella" I continued, " I-I lo—"


Ok that's it for today please vote and comment i tried so sorry if it sucks... I read your comments, so give me some ideas!!!

Who do you think interrupted them?

Will Hawk ever get the chance to confess his feelings?


Mimi_ship outtt

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