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Rose POV👠

I couldn't find old team before, so I made up my mind to tell them today. Today was the ball. I wasn't going with anyone, and neither was Isobella. I kinda hoped Hawk would ask me, but... is this what it felt to be left out, to be alone? Cold, empty, dark?

I was still debating whether I should even go to them to tell them what I heard. Things would be awkward, but.... I do remember a time when we would go on adventures together, we would laugh together, fight together.

Recently, me and Lingling began talking again. She was the only one form the old group who really cared about me. Apparently, she thought I didn't want to be friends with them. Silly, right? I obviously ended up telling her. She wanted to go straight up to Laura and do something horrible, but I forbid her. Didn't want anymore drama. Even if she did steal my crush, would I be any better than Ruby or Vicky if I went and attacked her just because of that?

Me, Isobella and Lingling were in my room. We had told Mirror Hawk to leave recently cause we were changing, and I countered the mirror with a blanket to make sure he wasn't there.

(No images just imagine however you wanna, might edit later though...)

We were supposed to dress according to the theme. We decided to have cherry blossoms on our dresses. I had a light pink dress flowing to my feet, and the bottom part of the dress (skirt) had real cherry blossoms evenly distributed. The top hem of my dress had bright pink glitter. Lingling and Isobella had the same style dresses, except Lingling had the dress in a deep, royal blue, and Isobella had it in a light, light faded red. Crowns and shoes went on, and we were ready!!! I planned to have fun with my friends, and I was dedicated to sticking to that plan.

I looked out the balcony and saw the carriages pulling up.

"Pumpkin seeds!!" I squealed. It had been so long since I said that "the carriages are here"

Talking and laughing, we walked down the stairs to the carriages. We hopped on in, laughing along the way.

(Time skip to Rose telling what she heard)

Astoria POV📚📖

Rose ran up to us. "Oh hey Rose" I said. I hadn't talked to her in a while. I noticed at the beginning she didn't hang out with us as much, and I thought that was because of Laura. Now I suspected that I was too hard on her.

Hawk POV❄️

"Guys can I talk to you" said Rose. I turned. "Umm sure" said Joy. What did she want to tell us?

Rose POV👠

When Hawk looked at me; I almost backed out. It was hard to stand there, seeing him with his 'accidental' girlfriend. I wondered why Laura never told him I was Hawks true loves kiss. She was nice and everything, so why would she hide the truth from him? Did she want him that badly?

I stepped up, and took a breath, preparing myself for what I had to say. And it all came out. I rambled on and on. "Theevilvillansarehavingameetingwecouldtakethemthereiknowwwecanimsorryforeverythinhandnothangongoutwithyoumorebutitsallthevillansinoneplacdwecantakethem" I finished, drawing in a breath. Everyone looked stunned. I was surprised that they heard all that. "Um, guys?" I said nervously. Astoria burst into laughter.

Astoria POV📚📖

"AHHAHAHHAAHAHHAHAHHA" I laughed, clutching my sides. All the villains? In one place, it was too much. I sneaked a look at their faces, and cackled some more. Slowly, everyone joined in, laughing nervously, except Rose, who looked, hurt. I put my hands up and said "sorry about that, but all the villains in one place? You sure you heard that right" I said, slightly breathless. I didn't mean to laugh but???... it sounded to me that she wanted to be our friends again or something. Sure I wanted to be har friend, but like she could've just said so. I wiped the tears from my eyes. My sides hurt, and I felt like I was going to have a coughing fit.

"Yeah Rose," said Hawk "I have to agree with Astoria in this one. It kinda doesn't sound..." he said trailing off "true" said Lingling. She didn't laugh, but was looking at Rose confused.

Rose POV👠

I didn't expect the laughter, and I yelled "WELL THATS JUST THE PROBLEM ISNT IT. YOU GUYS NEVER AGREE WITH ME. YOU NEVER TAKE ME SERIOUSLY." I said. They looked stunned, staring at me "all I've ever wanted were people who could trust me, but I guess I can't even have that" I spat bitterly, turned on my heel and left, only breaking into a run when I knew they couldn't see me.

Is it just me or is Lingling like an amazing friend. Ik she didn't believe Rose but like... Not even in this story, but like in general? I always thought of her as like an amazing friend who would stick up for Rose and support her no matter what. That's why she is confused in who to believe in this chapter. She wants to believe Rose but it sounds strange and random?? Idk.

Ok byeee!!! Mimi_ship out❤️❤️❤️❤️

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