The barrier

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Rose POV👠

I walked thorough the portal, a sense of dread creeping up on me. I know I didn't show it, but I was extremely nervous and scared. There were thousands of villains here; for sure death. And I saw scared of that. I didn't want to leave this wonderful place. I was scared.... but I couldn't back out. Not now.

Hawk POV❄️

I watched rose walk through as I sank on my knees. I tried putting my hand through the portal, but the minute my skin touched the mirror, there was a sizzle as my skin revived a couple of burn marks. It was blocked off. I  couldn't help her. There was no where through here. Maybe I could send someone to watch her... to see if she needed help. I needed to get closer, but I couldn't leave this scene. That's when my team came in. Astoria reaches me first, and gasped when she saw the scene. Rose was hiding behind a food stall.

"No Rose" yelled Lingling, as she tried to launch herself through the portal. Travis grabbed her, holding her back as she struggled in his arms.

Rose POV👠

I didn't want to go directly into the crowd of villains, so I prowled around to the back of a slushee stall. I was listening, or at least trying to, when I saw the dragon. It was hovering above the town, slightly hidden from the huge clock tower, but it wasn't coming down. That's when I saw Astoria and Lingling riding the dragons back. What were they doing here? It's not safe. Did H.M. Cinderella end up sending someone to defeat the villains? But why weren't they coming down. Experimentally, I crept slightly past the stall, to where there were these random dots on the floor. They extended past my vision, but it looked like all together they were making a shape circle. I held my finger out, and pin seared through me. I pulled my fiber back, which was slightly smoking. That's when I realized, I was trapped. But I could use this to my advantage.

Will Rose survive??

Ok so I had this chapter done for a while but for some reason I didn't publish it???? Well it's here now at least!

Mimi_ship out❤️❤️❤️

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