The Cherry Blossom Ball

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Rose POV👠

Today Isobella wasn't here, and Mirror Hawk never appeared during school hours. He hated classes, thought they were a deadly bore. I have to admit, I am surprised I haven't fallen asleep already. I was outside, on lunch break, planning a surprise for Isobella after school when H.M Cinderella walked up to the podium in the center of the student commons. She had a huge microphone which she said through "Hello students. May I have your attention" she began, pausing for a moment. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw shake hugging Laura from behind, and I clenched my teeth, breathing in and out slowly. They were doing a picnic. I turned back to H.M Cinderella, who was taking about how well we were doing and stuff. "And because you have done amazingly, we will be having a, are you ready, A CHERRY BLOSSOM BALL!!"

Excited chatter filled the area, and I sighed, got up, and went inside to the library. The one place where no one would be. I didn't want to get caught up with this craziness. I didn't know if I'd go to the ball at all!

Hey guys just wanted to say I started another Regal academy book for fun cause like why not?!! Go check it out!!!

Mimi_ship out ❤️❤️❤️

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