And that happened.....

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Hawk POV❄️

There. I touched the dragon down and hopped off. "Hawk?" asked Rose, outstretching her arms. I chuckled and picked up Rose carefully in my arms bridal style, and she blushed. For a moment, I stared at her, taking advantage of the fact that she couldn't see me. Perfect. Beautiful. Mine. Wait did I say that. Well, not mine yet... but soon. "Um Hawk" asked Rose. "What's going on?" I realized I was still carrying her, rooted to one spot. I began walking, and Rose yelped. "Hey. Put me down!" She said, squrming in my arms

"Not in those shoes I'm gonna let you down." I said jokingly. "Your blindfolded remember. Your probably going to trip, or wander off".


"No buts" I said, cutting her off.

We had arrived at the place, and I stood still for a moment, taking in the surrounding beauty. I've been here before, but it always managed to steal my breath away. A beautiful place for a beautiful girl I mused.

Gently, I let Rose down, and took of her blindfold, my fingers brushing against her hair. I tried not to let that get to me, not wanting to stutter like a blithering idiot.


Rose POV👠

"OH. MY. PUMPKIN SEEDSSS" I screeched, and turned to Hawk, who had his hands in his jeans. He chuckled, and I surprised him by running up to him and pretty much tackling him to the ground.

Our faces were close, and I have to admit, I got lost in his eyes. He was laughing, so he didn't realize how close we were. Good, I won't tell him. Plus, this was just a trip for two friends. FRIENDS... I think? "Thanks sooo much" I said, getting up. I reached out a hand and pulled him up too.

The place was filled to the brim with crystals surrounding the area, as well at the enchanted to a cave. Hawk took my hand and lead me to the entrance.

"Ready?" He asked

And together, hand in hand, we entered the cave.

Laura POV😬

I had reached this area filled with crystals. It was so pretty. I wished Hawk would take me here....

I had followed and watched them from the trees. That's when I noticed the monster. At least I thought it was a monster. It could be a villain in disguise. Curiously, I watched it enter the cave form another entrance. Hopefully Hawk wouldn't see it down there. I didn't want anything to happen to him before we got married.

Hawk POV❄️

I have to admit, I was super shy and nervous. I didn't know what to say. Rose was ecstatic, running around, crouching down to look at various gems. I smiled. A couple times she tripped, but that was just Rose being herself. I still had to confess. This would be the perfect place. No one here, no interruptions.

Just as I turned around to look at Rose, something caught my eye, and I ran, yelling her name, blocking Rose, and taking the spell for myself.

Rose POV 👠

All I heard was a shout, and Hawk collapsed in front of me. "HAWK" I yelled. There was laughter echoing all on the cave, as the monster  in front of me changed, to reveal Maleficent, the evil queen/fairy. She had tried to put a curse on me, but it hit Hawk. I got up, wand raised. "Pumpkin magic" I yelled, and pumpkins began dropping from the sky, hitting her head. She screamed in frustration, and her attention was diverted. I pulled Hawk to the side as she tried to bat away at the pumpkins. As I dragged him away, his mirror fell out of his bag.

"What's going on" shouted mirror Hawk. Somehow he hadn't fallen asleep.

I pointed at the evil queen.

"Well you have to wake him up with true loves kiss!!" Said mirror Hawk, matter of factly.

"But—" I said, turning red. But I knew, this wa the only way. I leaned down, and quickly kissed him. His eyes began blinking, and he stirred. He was taking his own time getting up.

"Rose?" came a voice, just as I looked up. It was Laura. "Watch out" she yelled, and I turned to the evil queen.

"Laura go check on Hawk" I yelled.

I faced off the evil queen. To the corner of my eye, I saw Laura kiss Hawk, and I almost stalled. What!! What was she doing! No. I thought, I can deal with her later. For now, "(insert magic shoes saying) I ran up to the evil queen, as she tried to zap me. Grabbing mirror Hawk, I reflected the spell, and it hit the evil queen, making her fall. "Pumpkin magic" I yelled, and the queen was trapped inside pumpkin jail. I sat down, feeling tired as Hawk opened his eyes.

Hawk POV❄️

My eyes slowly opened, and I looked up and saw Maleficent, and another face I didn't expect to see.


Laura POV😬

Hawk looked at me, eyes shining. I didn't care if Rose was right behind me.

"You saved me" whispered Hawk. "I—I"

"Shhhh" I whispered, and

I kissed him. He wrapped my arms around me, deepening the kiss. His mirror lay beside him, looking disgusted.

Nobody noticed Rose slipping out of the cave, except mirror Hawk.

Okeyyyyy I promise this is gonna be a Hase story, but like I needed a problem so yeah???!!!  This is just the beginning of a full school year of problems!!! And the only one who knows about who actually woke up Hawk with true loves kiss is mirror Hawk. Find out more!!!


Me: Hawk, why did u kiss Laura

Hawk: well, she did kiss me and I woke up meaning true loves kiss and like I can't ignore something like that!! So I guess I'm her true love. Gotta act like it!

Me: *sigh* if only you knew



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