I will stay by you

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Rose POV 👠

I was in my bedroom, eyes puffy, when mirror Hawk came.

"Rose are you CRAZY! I saw that YOU kissed Hawk, not that poser Laura.Why didn't you tell him"

"BECAUSE .... he looked happier without me. They looked genuinely in love. Let it be like that. And DONT tell them. I forbid it. " I yelled

"But that's not fair. You—"

"Please stop mirror Hawk" I said, tired, defeated.

Mirror Hawk POV🌫

I couldn't believe this. I couldn't believe THEM. Rose AND Hawk.

But knowing that I couldn't do anything to change Rose's mind, I made a solemn oath that I would always be by her, even if my idiot human twin wasn't.

Okkeyyyyy what do you guys think??? Short chapter ik. I have literally noting good to say right here..... ummmm????  How bout this?? I'll ask a question here and u guys can choose whether  to or not to answer mk???

Q: Favorite topping on pizza?

K byeeee❤️❤️❤️

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