The Capturing of A Cinderella

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Rose POV👠

The Shortbread Witch, Maleficent, and the Evil Queen stood on the podium in the middle of the podium. There was something floating behind them in the middle of two pillars, glowing an amber-yellow color. A 3-D triangular gem, about the size of my hand. The gem of stone. But it didn't look like stone. My granny said something about how the youth crystal and the stone crystal was papers you here. What was their plan?

I almost couldn't take my eyes away from it.

"This plan is working properly." Came a voice from the stage. I peeled my eyes away from the crystal and looked to see Maleficent addressing the crowd.

I ran. The crystal felt like it was growing hotter in my hand. I didn't know how long I could keep running. Not forever. I rounded a corner and stopped. Pumpkin seeds. There were villains on either side of me. I tried not to scream.

"Pumpkin magic!" I yelled, but nothing happened.

"Nice try sweetie" said evil stepsister 1

"But we're smarter than that" said evil stepsister 2

"And only the magic that belongs here works."
Said evil stepsister 1

"So, sweetie" continued evil stepsister 2

"Your trapped." They said in unison.

Then the Short bread witch came to the front of the crowd and said gleefully "No more magic for you"

Ok I guess it's a longer chapter than before????. What will happen next????!!!!

Mimi_ship outtt❤️❤️❤️❤️

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