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Rose POV👠

I reached the portal. Oh no. What were the magic words again. Hesitantly, I put in my key, turning it. "Power of portals, open wide, in you I confide, something the light inside" I said, sure I'd said it all wrong. Hopefully the dragon that always catches me is up and running today. I don't wanna splat on the floor, especially not on my first day, and most DEFINATLY not in front of Hawk. "Hawk" I sighed to myself. I started walking, used to the portal words working whenever Travis said them, because unlike me, he actually remembered the words.

I fell through the gate, my hair whipping around me. I waited a minute for the dragon, but he never appeared. My wand was in my bag, and the ground was getting closer. I screamed, loud. As loud as I could. I was sure that people could hear me all over Regal academy. There was a figure below me and 'fwoomp', I landed in someone's arms. At least I wasn't sprawled across the floor.

Then I realized who had caught me.  I smiled. Hawk smiled back, and he stared at me, but not in a weird, mean way. In a kind, nervous way. I blushed as I looked into his eyes, meeting his gaze

"Hey Rose, kind of you to drop in" he said, in a teasing tone. I turned even more red, at this, and I became aware that he was still holding me in bridal style. Hawk carefully placed me back on solid ground and I felt my confidence come back.
"Hey Hawk" I said cheerfully. "I can't BELIEVE that this is our last year here" I continued. I was really nervous. Plus, we had a crowning ceremony, where engagements would be held and such. I was especially nervous about that.

"I'm glad your okay" I whispered, and I could feel myself getting red. "I really missed you" I said. Wait did I really just say that! "A-a-all of you" and I said, smiling brilliantly. Just then, Hawk put his finger to my lips, silencing me.

"Rose, I need to tell you something important" he said quietly, making my heart stop. What was going on. I could feel his finger on my lip, soft and warm.

"Yeah Hawk? You could tell me anything" I said, trying to keep an mostly straight face.
"Um, I-I wanted to tell you th-that um. Okay." he said, taking a shaky breath. "Rose Cinderella" I continued, " I-I lo—"


Astoria interrupted us. What was he going to say? What went along the lines of 'I lo—' umm... I love you??? Impossible. It COULDN'T be me. Just couldn't. He probably meant I love school, or something. Either that, or he just misspoke. Hawk looked irritated, but then he saw our team, and a smile crossed his face.

Astoria POV 📚📖

Ok ok I know. I shouldn't have stopped Hawk. I couldn't hear from here, but when I called to them, he looked rather annoyed, as Rose looked slightly pink. I wonder what that's about. Oh wait, lemme guess... HASEE. My ship will soon sail. I just know it. But in the mean time.... STUDY STUDY STUDY!!!!!!

Hawk POV❄️

Ok, I have to admit, I was slightly, no, VERY annoyed that Astoria ruined our moment. Calm down Hawk, I said to myself. I'll get another chance. Walking to the group, I made a  solemn promise that there WILL be an opportunity, and next time, I wouldn't hold back.

Hey guys Mimi here I just wanted to let you know that right now I'm just starting off my story like with showing their every day life and introducing characters and stuff and their feelings but I PROMISE that I will get more, idk, fighting and like drama and stuff... what do u think??? Let me know!!

Also yeah ikik it sounds repeated from the last chapter, but I just wanted to show their POV's!!!

Mimi_ship has sailed!!! Byeeee❤️❤️❤️

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