The Killing of A Cinderella

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Rose POV👠

I stood on the podium. My wand was taken. All I had left now was the crystal. It burned through my hand, and angry welts were beginning to burst through the surface, but I kept on holding onto it. I might need it, I thought.

"This is a rare occasion. We are all gathered here, and the most powerful heir out of all the great 6 families is right here, and she is powerless." Said the Evil queen, cackling.

"Our time has come. But first, let's finish this Cinderella brat." Said The Shortbread witch, and she turned and pointed at me. There was a booming cheer coming from all directions as villains yelled themselves hoarse. Billions of wands, fingers, and spell incantations began to rise, all pointing at me. I raised my arms, shielding myself instinctively, but nothing happened. I didn't dare look, but it was suddenly silent. I could hear a fly. Then the murmuring began. I still didn't look, until a high pitched voice yelled "SHE HAS THE STONE CRYSTAL"

I realized when I put my arms up the stone crystal became visible.

"Drop it" snarled The Evil Queen, grabbing my arm and holding it outstretched.

It was in that moment, I remembered.


At Dr.LeFrogs Class

"And so" he continued. He had been talking for the past half an hour. I wished there was a table that I could rest my head on and chairs I could sit in, but all we had was a cauldron.

"Powerful things have powerful reactions. As an example, say you've managed to encase power into a single object. The powers in that. Break that object, and the power would lash out and consume everything with what you encased in the original item"

(End of Flashback)

"Drop it now" yelled the Evil Hen

I looked around. If I dropped it hard enough, it would shatter. The magic would spread everywhere, turning everything into stone. There was barrier around us. Nothing could get in and nothing could get out. I hoped that included magic.

"DROP IT" yelled a voice I couldn't recognize at first, then I saw the familiar yellow bushy hair. Vicky.

"Your wish is my command" I said, and threw down the stone, as hard as I could.

Random note U know what I realized, I have to be smart and have general to advanced knowledge to be an author lmao. Like, ik this sounds like weird, but you have to KNOW stuff lmao.

I want to be an author when I'm older, and you may be skeptical, but this story isn't my best work. It is just the first time I'm putting my writing out there. I still have a lot to learn 😅

After that random fact about me....

Mimi_ship outtt❤️❤️❤️

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