Ending (happy version)

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Hawk POV❄️

I stared at her statue. The statue of her, the last remains proof of her existence. The shell which she was trapped in for eternity. I couldn't do this anymore. I couldn't put a smile in front of everyone. I slumped and fell to my knees. I howled and cried, grabbing my sides in pain and kneeling my forehead to the pavement in front of her statue. The tears fell everywhere.

I thought I was alone. But little did I know there was a pitying god watching us. Watching the scene unfold.

Rose POV👠

Where... where am I? I last remember Hawks face.... why am I floating? What is this weird place? I was floating in a void of white. there were no signs of an exit. There was just an endless space. I began to panic. Scream. Trying to hit non existent walls. I didn't know how much time passed. My hair grew longer and more messier, covering my eyes. I grew taller, my clothes starting to tear. And I was disappearing. Literally. I was fading away slowly. I didn't want to die. No. It can't end like this. I'm scared. I'm scared. I don't want to die. Help. Someone. Please. Help. I'M SCARED. I DON'T WANT TO DIE. I WANT TO BE WITH MY FAMILY. I WANT TO BE WITH MY FRIENDS. I DON'T WANT TO DIE ALONE. HERE. HELP. SOMEONE. ANYONE.

That's when she appeared. It was like a fairy, except I could feel a considerable amount of mana coming from her. She was like... a god.

"Child, look up at me. I've heard your plea. I've heard his plea. I've decided"

She put her ring finger nail on my forehead and it scraped. Blood tricked. An instinct told me to run, or hit her hand away. I just stayed still, going against my will. Then, a bright light shone, and a gods mark embedded in my forehead. It looked like a flower.

Hawk POV❄️

I looked up, as a light came from the statues forehead. I watched as a flower inscribed. I leapt up and grabbed at the statue. What was happening. No! Who was doing this. I grabbed her head, rubbing my finger against the mark. It just kept on drawing it out. I cried out, and in despair and wrapped my arms around her shoulder as a light began to come. At first I didn't notice it, then the softness of her hair fell at my neck. I felt the hardness of rock melt away, and was met by her cool, soft skin. I looked up, and there she was, in my embrace.

"Rose" I breathed out. I realized I was shaking all over

"I'm back" she smiled slowly, tears beginning to drip down her face.

I couldn't resist any longer. I put my hand shaking hand on the back of her head, and pulled her close.

I kissed her. And we stayed that way for a long time.

I love you, Rose Cinderella.

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