What's my Age Again

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"Veronica" Bridget's voice came booming through my ears, pulling me from my slumber but still I refused to open my eyes, if I was to open my eyes then I would be awake and that would surely mean I would feel pain. No one hits a telegraph pole with that amount of force and doesn't feel pain.

"Veronica wake up, we have to go shopping before the party and you're just lying there wasting the day away" I could sense that she was standing over me now. 

"You said it was Just Sam and Lucas coming over, you mentioned nothing about a party, we're not even allowed to have more than two people here Bridge, remember?"

"The party isn't here, it's at Sam's and it starts in an hour so I need you to get up so you can drive us to the mall, I need a new bikini" She rambles on, not making sense, why would she need a new bikini to wear to a party at Sam's house? Considering it's May and it's freezing outside.

"Bridget, I'm pretty sure my car is destroyed after I hit that telegraph pole. How did I even get home? I should be in hospital right?" I bring my hand up to my eyes and rub them, trying my best to shake the sleep as I slowly open them. No pain, this is good, maybe I walked away unscarred. Bridget's face comes into view, she looks different to when I saw her an hour ago, how is it possible that she looks, dare I say, younger? Same green eyes, her dark brown, curly hair is longer, her skin softer, youthful.

"You crashed your car? Dad is going to kill you" She shrills, making me sit upright. Dad can't kill me, dad has been dead for over 14 years. I take my eyes off Bridget to take in my surroundings, I recognise this room with it's pastel pink walls covered in posters of The Backstreet Boys, NSYNC and Five, the sheer purple curtains and the school uniform hanging up in my open wardrobe. I haven't been in this room since I was 23, since the day we sold the house, the posters on the walls were down long before that though.

"I'm at Dad's house" I whisper, trying to make sense of it all.

"Well duh? Where else would you be? Now get up, get dressed and go tell Dad about the car so he might be able to take us to the mall before he leaves for work." Bridget demands of me.

"Why can't you just drive yourself to the mall and let me sleep?" I negotiate with her. This is the most craziest dream.

"I don't have a licence, you know that but next month, when I'm 16 I'm going to get my learners so I never have to rely on you or dad to take me anywhere ever again" She informs me before stomping out of my room, most likely to go find Dad.

If she's 16 next month then that makes this January. What year was Bridget 16? Think Veronica. I look around my room and see a Friends calendar hanging on the wall, being the control freak I am I can see that I've been marking off the days, which would make this day Saturday the 30th. I flip the calendar over to view the front which displays the year, it's 1999 and that would mean that I'm 17, almost 18 and about to start my final year of high school.

My mind starts ticking over, this is the last Saturday before school starts on Tuesday and if Bridget says we are going to a party at Sam's I know that it's the party where I first caught Lucas cheating, of course he denied it completely and told me it was all in my head, that I had fabricated the image of him kissing Kristen. I remember that fight we had, I remember storming out of Sam's in tears with Kate and Bridget not far behind me. I also remember that it took Lucas  until Tuesday afternoon, after school, to come knocking on my door, not to apologise but to tell me how wrong I'd gotten it, how he was just helping Kristen out of the pool and she had fallen on top of him, he told me he loved me, that I was the only girl he would ever want to be with and I was stupid enough to believe it.

I'm startled by a monophonic melody playing, I search the room and see that the sound is coming from a phone, if you could even call it that, sitting on the nightstand, the small screen flashing as I look at the caller I.D and see it's Lucas. I press the green button and hold the tiny phone in my hand as I bring it to my ear. My heart is pounding.

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