Nice Guys Finish Last

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Bridget and I were the first to arrive at the cinema on Friday night, the smell of popcorn was making me nostalgic for when I was last able to go see a movie. Before lockdown Kate, Bridget and I would go at least once a month, sometimes I even wondered if I was more excited about the popcorn than the actual movie we were seeing, tonight was one of those nights, I was more excited for the atmosphere than the movie.

Kate arrived not long after us, walking in hand in hand with kissing boy....I've really got to learn his name considering he seems to now be hanging around Kate more. Amber arrived next, looking somewhat awkward next to Bridget but I was so happy that she had accepted the invite, I still hadn't had a chance to talk to her yet, I guess I was hoping to show her that this was a safe space for her, make her feel comfortable and not push, she seemed to relax a bit when Kate and I included her in our conversation about the swimming carnival next Friday. 

My heart sank when I saw Sam walk through the doors with Lucas and Petra, giving me an apologetic look as he made his way over to our group but I gave him a nod to let him know it's all good, I get it, Lucas is his best friend and if Sam hadn't invited him and word got back to Lucas it would have looked suspicious. We walked up to the concession stand as a group and ordered our tickets and food for the movie, Bridget and I deciding to share a large popcorn between us and then made our way into our cinema.

The cinema that we were at had only opened the year before so everything was still in that brand new state, although the seats were not the plush recliners I am accustomed to now, they were still very comfortable. I took my seat in the middle of the row, with Bridget on one side and Sam on the other, Lucas was next to Sam, his eyes watching my every move.

"Where's Harry tonight Veronica?" Lucas asked me, smug smile crossing his stupid face, drawing all the attention on to me from our group. I had told Bridget and Kate how I had made up a boy named Harry Styles who had taken me on a date on Tuesday night, just to keep Lucas from finding out the truth. 

"He had band practice tonight" I lie, hoping he buys it but of course Petra has to join in.

"What's his band called?" She asks me as her fingers dance playfully along Lucas' thigh, she's trying to draw out my jealous side so she can prove a point either to herself or Lucas, unfortunately for them I'm not playing into their game tonight.

"His band is call One Direction, they're pretty popular" I continue silently praying that the trailers will start playing to save me.

"I've never heard of them, can't be that popular" Petra laughs and I slink back into my chair.

"Maybe if you spent less time trying to stir shit up with your friends then we may have invited you along to one of their gigs" Kate fires back at Petra. To Petra the thought of being not invited to a social event would kill her and Kate knows it, "And you think that hanging around Puke-as will make us include you in anything?"

"Suck my dick Kate" Lucas yells out across the row.

"Ah, no thank you, I'm very particular about what I put in my mouth and your small cheese dick is not on the menu" Kate laughs and Bridget and Amber erupt in giggles.

"Veronica never complained" Lucas points out angrily, glaring at me for some sort of back up but I refuse to help him out, instead I excuse myself from the group and make my way out of the cinema, towards the bathroom. All I had wanted was a fun night out but Lucas always found a way of ruining the best of plans.

I stayed in the bathroom until I was sure the previews would have started, hoping that my escape would have put an end to the bickering. As I stepped out of the washrooms I felt an arm wrap around me, pulling me back against a wall, hot breath on my neck as I breathed in his familiar scent and I relaxed into his arms.

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