Hey Jealousy

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It had be two decades since I sat in Lucas' car but it looked exactly how I remembered it, the red paint was so glossy from being washed and buffed every weekend, the wheels so shinny, the stereo which would light up a funky blue colour once the engine roared to life, the comfortable seats which looked almost brand new even though the car was already 5 years old and the smell of coconut that wafted from the hanging air freshener.

Lucas loved this car more than he had ever loved anything because he had worked so hard, stacking shelves at the local supermarket every weeknight and on weekends. He took so much pride in make sure it looked immaculate and in the best condition making me believe that any girl in his life, including myself, would always come second to the car...or third if you included how much he loved himself too.

"I have to pick Charlotte up from preschool first" I tells me, turning the key in the ignition and making the V8 engine loudly rumble like a beast. I look out the tinted window at Sam's truck, wishing I was sitting in the passenger seat next to him right now.

We didn't talk much during Maths but I could tell he thinking of every worst case scenario and as much as I tried hard to settle his insecurity it still raged on within him. All I could do was prove to him that nothing would happen, that this was strictly a school assignment and nothing more.

Lucas parked the car curb side out the front of Little Learner Preschool and got out, leaving me wondering if I should follow him inside the preschool or just wait in the car. I decided to stay put and no sooner had Lucas stepped inside the small, rainbow painted building that was covered in pictures of children playing, he emerged with a small, dirty blonde haired, blue eyed girl who had a backpack on her back almost the same size she was. Lucas opened the back door behind the passenger seat for her to climb in, she took her bag off and scooted across the seat to the position behind Lucas and strapped herself in, her eyes going wide with excitement once she spotted me sitting in the front.

"Ronica" She exclaims, clapping her hands and bouncing with joy. "You've come to play with us today. I haven't sawed you in the longest of times but I missed you lots and lots."

It's hard not to love Charlotte, she was just the most sweetest child you'd ever meet, she struggled a bit with her vocabulary, unable to pronounce my full name yet but she was a very intelligent little girl, well above children her own age. 

Although she and Lucas shared the same hair and eye colour that's where the similarities between the siblings ended with Charlotte looking more like their father and Lucas looked a little bit like his Mum but not much and nothing like Roy. 

"Veronica can't play today Char, we have homework to do" Lucas tells his sister who immediately pouts at the news at I'm not coming over to have fun.

"Ronica can do what she wants, you are not the boss of her" 

I try hard to hide my laughter at how much truth is in the little girls statement but I know I can't encourage her attitude at all, otherwise she'll walk all over me and we'll get nothing done today.

"What did you do at school today Princess?" I ask her, turning in my seat to give her my full attention.

"I took my heart thumper to school so I could listen to everyones hearts" She proudly tells me, digging a real stethoscope from her bag and holding it out for me to see.

"Where did you get this?" I ask her, marvelling at the fact that this kid doesn't just play with a toy  doctor kit, no way, only the best for Charlotte.

"My boyfriend Sammy gave it to me, he said it used to be his Daddy's a long, long time ago" She explains, placing the ear tips in her tiny ears and the silver plate over her chest to find her heartbeat, she's just too cute 

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