You Oughta Know

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I woke up before the alarm went off, groaning to myself, knowing I had to go to my Mother's house for the weekend but then I felt Sam's arm wrap around me and I smiled. I'd get to see him again on Sunday when his team came to the coast to play. I looked at the clock on the bedside table, it was just after 6am, Bridget and I didn't have to leave here until at least 8 and if I even attempted to wake her before 730 there would be hell to pay.

I rolled over and looked up at Sam who was still sleeping, his dark brown hair falling onto his face and sweat glistening on his chest. The room was stifling hot, indicating that we were in for another scorching Summers day. I broke out of his hold and heard him moan at little, I walked over to the window and opened it, letting the fresh air fill the room.

"Are you attempting to sneak out on me princess" Sam asked, his voice thick with sleep as he wiped his eyes. He was a gorgeous sight to see first thing in the morning, laying on his bed in just his briefs.

"Not at all, I was just opening the window, it's like a furnace in here. How can you sleep in the heat with no fan?" I complain. He grabs a remote from the bedside table and hits a button, suddenly sending cool air into the room. I close the window and climb back into bed with him.

"My Dad must have turned the air conditioner off when he came home" He tells me sending me into a panic.

"Your Dad came in here? He knows I'm here?" My voice is shrill with embarrassment 

"Roni chill, we have ducted air conditioning, it runs throughout the whole house, he would have turned it off downstairs when he came in. He knows you and Bridget were staying here last night" He reassures me, stroking my hair to calm me. I relax back onto his chest, feeling it rise and fall beneath me. "Do you regret last night?" He asks me insecurely, his past no doubt weighing heavy on his mind.

"Nope, I have no regrets, in fact, I wanna do it again"  I run my hand down his body and slip it beneath his briefs but he stops me and laughs.

"Lets make a deal, if we beat the Red Devils at the swimming carnival on Friday we will celebrate" He says, giving me that cheeky smile.

"You're kidding me? I'm now relying on 50 other students to swim harder than any of the Red Devils?" I laugh and shake my head, it's almost an impossible task.

"That's why I'm going to make you my co-captain, so you can raise their spirits, now that you have a goal to aim for" He says before kissing me.

"and if we don't beat the Red Devils then...?"

"Then the country won't be the only thing in drought this Summer" He teases me, laughing loudly.

"I don't even know how the scoring all works at these stupid carnivals" I protest, "I've only ever been to one of them and that was in the seventh grade"

"It's 50 points for first place, 30 for second, 10 for third and a point for last place, the races are broken down into years 7 and 8, 9 and 10 and then years 11 and 12, boys verses boys and girls verses girls and the winning swimmers will go on to participate in regionals and if they win that they go to state finals" He explains

"And beating Lucas?" I laugh

"Lucas and I have always had a friendly rivalry between us, he will be driving his team just as hard to win" He tells me

"Is that what last night was about? You gaining something over Lucas?" I'm angry at just the thought of being used as a pawn in their little game.

"Oh fuck, no" he pulls me in tight and holds me, "Last night was purely about you and I, it has nothing to do with Lucas and I want you to know that. I never thought I'd have the privilege of even being able to kiss you, let alone have you naked in my bed. You mean more to me than some stupid rivalry" He promises me.

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