The Sign

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I, I got a new life
You would hardly recognize me
I'm so glad
How could a person like me care for you?
Why, why do I bother w
hen you're not the one for me?- Ace of Base 1993

"I can't believe you finally broke up with Lucas, I thought he'd have you wrapped around his little finger forever" Kate exclaims as we are lying by the pool, catching the last rays of the setting sun. Lucas had left not long after our showdown, I watched him go with Kristen trailing behind him, head hung in defeat from being publicly humiliated in front of his peers. I have to admit, I did feel a little bit bad but then I reminded myself of how it had felt when it he had done the same to me originally and how crushed I was, "I never liked him Roni, I never told you that though 'cause I was always worried he would turn you against me so I tolerated him for your sake but it was hard because he was just so arrogant and rude and the things he would say made my head spin, like remember last year when You, Me, Lucas and Sam went and saw Titanic and how afterwards he made that comment about how Cal was so hard done by in the movie, how he had paid for his fiancé to movie to America and her Mother too so Rose should be more grateful and give him sex. I thought he was joking at first but when he kept bringing it up I could tell he was serious. He's so disgusting, it make my skin crawl"

To be honest, I had forgotten about Lucas' remarks about the villain of the movie but it really didn't surprise me too much, that was Lucas in a nutshell, he believed that all men are owed sexual gratification, regardless of how they treat a woman. I used to believe that the chauvinist pig act was just something he put on in front of his friends, like he had some sort of point to prove because when we were alone he truely was the sweetest and most loving boy you would ever known, with cutesy nicknames and declarations of his love. He could make you feel like you're on top of the world one day and discard you the next, being with him was an emotional rollercoaster of highs and lows and he could easily make you forget how toxic he was when he turned on the charm.

"New year, new Me" Yes, I quoted that bullshit that everyone posts on Facebook on the 1st of January every year but this is 1999 and Kate has no idea yet how cliche that phrase really is.

"Oh, I love that, such a positive outlook, I'm going to adopt your mantra too. It's our final year of high school, let's make a pack, no more boys who are arseholes" Kate mused with glee, she too had had her fair share of crying in the girls toilets over some douchebag.

"Deal" I agreed, not that it really mattered because I was going to wake up back in 2020 tomorrow, after this crazy dream had ended. My guess is that I'm most likely in a coma, being pumped with morphine and it's causing me to have this flashback trip, "I'm going to grab us some drinks, vodka and raspberry?"

Kate nods and I make my way back into the house. The party seems to have hit it's second wave, the guest from during the day are either extremely drunk by this point of have started to sober up and are making their way home but theres also new people arriving, the night crowd as I use to refer to them, the ones who will come out once the sun has set, knowing that the party is going to amp up. I was never really one to drink too much as these parties, mainly because I had to take care of Lucas when he got wasted, which was often but tonight that's all changed, I'm already a few drinks in and letting my hair down.

Coming into the kitchen I spot Sam and a boy I vaguely remember, I think his name was Jason or Jaxon, something along those lines, talking about soccer training starting back up next week. Sam played soccer, or football as he would call it, for a local team as well as our school, back in high school I had never realised how extremely passionate he was for the sport, it wasn't until I heard that he had made it onto the A-League teams in England that it clicked with me how much he loved it.

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