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"So He just admits that He slept with Kristen?" Kate asks me as we were getting ready at my house for the dance on Friday night. Alex was due to pick us up in 20 minutes and we were nowhere near ready. My bombshell about Kristen and Sam sleeping together had derailed us significantly.

"Yep" I tell her. I had seen Sam since Wednesday afternoon and he hadn't brought it up again so I think of it now as this thing that is hanging over our heads, keeping us apart and we're both unwilling to deal with it. This is adulting at it's best.

"Wow, I really thought Sam had a lot more respect for himself than to go for Lucas' sloppy seconds. I guess though, when you hit rock bottom" Kate tries to reason as she uses my curing iron to create springs in her hair.

"Umm wouldn't I be classed as Lucas' sloppy seconds?" I ask her and she gives me a look.

"As if, you traded up" She reassures me.

"Well even so I don't think he hit rock bottom as such" I say as I try to gain control over my own out of control, wavy hair. Why is it that my best hair days always happen on the days that I'm sitting around my house but as soon as I have plans it's like a giant birds nest settles in the back.

"You did kinda hurt him really bad" Kate tells me as she places her final curl and then runs her fingers through them to give off a more natural look.

"So you keep reminding me" I exclaim, deciding to just give up on my hair and pull it back into bun, what do I care if it looks unstylish? The one person I'd want to be impress isn't even coming to this thing anyway so why bother. 

"Girls, your gentleman callers are here" My Dad bellowed down the hall to us. Kate and I look at each other, surprised.

"He said callers right?" I ask Kate.

"That's what I heard" She confirms. I swipe another layer of baby pink lipgloss across my already coated lips and we head out into the living room, with me silently praying that Lucas hasn't convinced Alex to let him tag along but my prays are answered when I step into the room and my eyes fall on Sam, dressed in black jeans and a plain, white tee, his hair held in place with product and he smelt amazing, making my heart feel like it was about to beat right out of my chest.

"I didn't know you were coming?" I question him, now regretting that I didn't do something else with my hair.

"Last minute decision" He says, looking over to Alex who is smiling at us while holding onto Kate. "I brought my own car too, if you want to ride with me, I know you had plans to go with Kate though" I look at Kate for her approval to ditch our original plans and she nods.

I hug Dad and Bridget goodbye and walk out to where the truck is parked out on the street, just behind Alex's Honda Civic. He opens the door for me and I climb in, making sure not to crease up my new blue halter dress. 

"You look phenomenal Veronica" Sam compliments me and I feel a blush glow on my cheeks.

"Thank you. If I had known that you were coming though I would have done something better with my hair" I stress.

"Why? It looks great like that" He pulls away from the curb and starts driving towards to Claremont Community Hall where the dance is being held. The butterflies in my stomach have taken flight. "I wanted to talk to you about something and I didn't want to do it at school, I wanted to wait until I knew it was just you and me"

"Is it about Kristen because I've been wanting to talk to you about that too" I tell him, reaching across and taking his hand in mine.

"You have?" He asks, surprised.

"Yeah, I just wanted to tell you that I get it, You were hurt when I rejected you and I guess you needed someone"

"Wait, when exactly do you think I slept with her?" He questions me, confused. He pulls the truck into an empty carpark.

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