Every You, Every Me

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I woke up on Sunday feeling excited, I would get to see Sam again today. After last nights dinner with Lucas I called Sam as soon as I got back to our Mother's house, I told him that Petra had it in her mind that he was dating Bridget and that Lucas now thinks they're sleeping together. He laughed but agreed to play along with the charade at school.

Bridget and I went shopping on Sunday morning, I wanted to get us outfits that matched Sam's team colours, blue and yellow. We bought blue skirts, yellow t-shirts, blue and yellow hair ribbons plus cardboard and markers to make a sign. We styled our hair in to two braids and tied the ribbons at the end. We looked like the best damn cheer squad that the Claremont Crushers ever had.

My excitement was quickly turned to frustration as we were walking out the door though.

"Where are you two going?" My Mother demanded to know, looking us up and down disapprovingly 

"We're going to watch the Claremont Crushers take on the Terrigal Tigers" Bridget explains to her. I hadn't spoken a word to my Mother since yesterday, I was still so angry at her and Carson.

"Oh good girls" She praises us and I look at Bridget confused, "It nice to see you're supporting your brother"

Oh shit, how did I not remember that Carson played for the Tigers....well played is a bit of a stretch, he was only on the team to knock down opposing team players by any means necessary. He had once broken a guys leg just to get the ball, he was a thug.

"We should get going Bridge or else we'll be late" I tell my sister, attempting to pull her out the door.

"Bridget you really shouldn't wear that skirt, you'll get raped" My mother says as we pass her and I stop in my tracks.

"Yeah because it's the skirt that causes men to rape and not the fact that they're fucking rapist to begin with. Stop trying to destroy your daughters confidence and self esteem and concern yourself more with the fact that Carson is one step below being an actual rapist and you raised him to be that way" I scream at her.

"My son is not a rapist" She fires back at me

"Well not yet anyway" I say before slamming the front door behind us. That woman infuriates me to no end.

We stopped to pick up lunch on the way to the soccer field, arriving as the two teams were warming up. I lay the picnic rug, I keep in the back of my car, down on the grassy hillside that was designated for spectators and unpacked the chicken sandwiches and drinks we had bought from the corner shop near by.

Sam spotted us and came running over to greet us, he looked so hot in his uniform, it clung to him tightly, showing off his muscly biceps and crafted six pack. He hugged Bridget before kissing me softly on the lips. He smiled widely when he got a good look at our outfits and then I showed him the sign we had made that morning that read 'SAM IS OUR CRUSHER'

"Good luck baby" I tell him, wrapping my arms around his toned waist.

"I don't need luck on my side Princess" He says confidently, "All I need is you"

The ref blows the whistle to signify that the game is about to start, I kiss Sam on the cheek and send him off with a smack to his arse while Bridget cups her mouth with her hands and yells out "Go Crushers" 

We sat back down on our blanket, we had an excellent view of the field from our spot as there were not many other spectators out watching the game, only us and three other groups. A far cry from the amount of people who now pay big money just to watch Sam play. I felt the blanket shift beside me and looked over to see Kate sitting next to me. I was so surprised to see her here because I had no idea she was even coming.

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