Kiss Me

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"Im not sleeping with you" I tell Sam, firmly. Even at 18 Sam was known to be a bit of a player, with a new girl taking his fancy each month, a glorified fuck boy, as Bridget would later call him.

"Whoa, who said anything about shagging, I said a kiss Veronica, just a simple kiss, geez woman, Lucas would murder me if I slept with his girl"

He takes his golf ball and places it on the felt, green fake turf for hole number one, takes a moment to analyse the course before swinging his putter back slightly and tapping the ball, it slides down the green and lands effortlessly in the hole. He turns to look at me, giving me a smug smile.

"In case you forgot, I broke up with Lucas, I am in no way 'his girl' as you phrased it, I'm completely single" I protest as I follow his lead, taking my first shot but I hit my ball too hard and it rebounded off the end and rolled back down to me.

"You and I both know that you'll be back with Lucas by 4th period on Tuesday or did you forget who you're talking to? I've watched you two have these break ups so many times and then one of you folds, usually you, no offence and then you're back to shagging again" He mocks me as I attempt to take my second shot, this time it's more successful and my ball goes in the hole.

"This time it's different because I'm different, I have hindsight on my side and I see Lucas for who he truely is now" I say as we move on to the next course, Sam following his same routine from the first hole and gets another hole in one. 

"Tell me about this hindsight that you have oh wise Veronica" 

"I know that Kristen isn't the first, there were two others and there would be more if I didn't end things yesterday. I also know that you knew and you didn't tell me" My tone is accusing and he looks at me sheepishly, like a deer caught in the headlights.

"I don't know anything about anyone other than Kristen, I swear Veronica and I wanted to tell you, so many times" His voice is wavering but his eyes never leave mine.

"Then why didn't you?" A question that had plagued me for over 20 years, how can you just sit back and watch someone be made a fool of?

"I'm not proud of my actions here Veronica, this isn't something I'm going to look back on and be satisfied with the part I played. Lucas is my best friend and I'm not saying I put him above you but had I come to you with this I knew how things would play out, you'd get angry and break things off with Lucas who, in turn would cut me out of his life for telling you and then he would sweet talk you into giving him another chance, which you would and he would tell you that you were to have nothing to do with me so then I'd be left as the bad guy but I know Lucas all too well, I knew if you give him enough rope then the lad would hang himself eventually and I wouldn't have to lose you" I'm left floored by his honesty, all this time I had assumed he covered for Lucas out of loyalty but in reality he was afraid of losing my friendship, which he had lost due to not speaking up. 

I place my ball down on the felt of course two and attempt to take a shot but my thoughts are racing and I can't concentrate, I feel Sam step up behind me, his arms overlapping mine as I hold the putter with shaky hands.

"Relax Roni" He whispers in my ear, sending a thrill of excitement down my spine, with him so close to me I'm anything but relaxed but I don't want him to know he's having this effect over me, I take in a deep breath and hold it, exhaling slowly and focus back on the task in front of me, "Bring the putter back slightly and just tap the ball" He instructs, guiding my arms and I tap the ball lightly, sending it gliding down the green, under the a tunnel and through to the other side where it comes to a halt just in front of the hole, I give my ball another small tap and in the hole it goes. 

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