All For You

414 26 3

Sam 2020

The coffee from the vending machine, down the hall from Veronica's hospital room, tastes like mud slung into a paper cup with milk added in an attempt to disguise the foul flavour. I'd been spoiled for choice for many years I guess, Veronica being a coffee snob and insisting we get the top of the line machine for our home, the one that made barista style coffee and you can taste the rich, bold flavour with every sip, making take away coffee pale in comparison. 

The image of my beautiful girl, dancing around our small kitchen in her underwear as she made us breakfast in London, filled my mind as I wandered back to the room. Her gorgeous smile radiating and her hips swaying to Shake it Off. I stood in the doorway to our kitchen and watched her move, she didn't notice me until I grabbed her by the hips, pulling her tight against me and slowing the rhythm down to a more sensual pace. She was so happy, so content in our own private oasis, away from the flashing lights and the endless rumours about our relationship

Outside we couldn't even walk down the street without someone stopping either of us for an autograph or photo but inside our flat was our own private bubble, where we could just be Veronica and Sam, just like we were back in high school. It had taken me so long to win her back and I wasn't going to allow the vultures destroy it this time.

My phone buzzed in my pocket and I pull it out to see Kate's name flashing across the screen, requesting a FaceTime call. I find a seat, away from the chaos of the nurses station. In the darken hallway, the sun had set hours ago and the lighting was dimmed to save energy. I hit accept and am greeted by a very flustered looking Kate.


"Katherine" We both laugh at the use of our formal names, a private joke between us that started in high school and we just never let it go.

"How is she?"  Kate asks, her face riddled with concern for her best friend.

"She doing good, still hasn't woken up yet but her doctors are hopeful it will happen soon. They've warned me many times about complications from the accident and surgery and how it may affect her, they won't know what they're dealing with until she's awake" Dr Stephenson had gone through a long list of possible outcomes, from amnesia to total loss of motor functions, I was prepared for the worse but hopeful.

"I wish I could be there with her and not stuck in New York, lockdown sucks" She pouts, I know it would be killing Kate to not be able to be by Veronica's side right now, the two women have been through so much together, I hate that Kate is making herself feel guilty over something that is beyond her control.

"Kate, I've been to your apartment, it's so big that it should have its own zip code, there's worse places you could be in lockdown" I'm trying to distract her from her own guilt. Kate's Manhattan penthouse apartment is massive, two floors, four bedrooms, a hot tub and gym plus it boasts one of the best views, overlooking the city and Kate had worked her arse off to earn it too.

"I know and with the twins home from college it's been great, although they probably don't think so because I've put them to work, Harriet is helping me with new designs and Jackson is running my social media because it's being predicted that, due to lockdown, there will be a baby boom, which means business is going to be thriving for me, no rest for Kate during a pandemic" Kate often marvelled at how her life at taken a turn for the better from one mistake, falling pregnant during our final year at school was never ideal, finding out she was carrying twins just added on to the already stressful experience. Kate and Alex didn't have much money and with everything being times by two, they struggled but Kate had one advantage up her sleeve, she was top of her class for textiles and would save money by designing and creating the children's clothes herself, she never dreamed that a hobby would one day lead into one of the most successful and affordable children's clothing lines, making her a household name with mothers all over the world.

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