Never Let You Go

410 23 3

Sam 1999

I get nervous before every game I play, I was nervous the first time I spoke to Veronica and even more so when I asked her out the first time but on the morning of my interview with Cambridge University, for the first time when  faced with a challenge, I wasn't nervous, I felt confident, like everything was falling into place, just how it was meant to and I knew it was all thanks to Veronica, she believed in me and gave me unconditional love and support, making any doubts I had about my future just melt away.

I  woke up just before dawn, I had about an hour and a half drive ahead of me and the last thing I needed was to get stuck in traffic and miss my interview completely. The birds outside my bedroom window were squawking but everything else was still and peaceful, giving me time to think about the day ahead of me. I checked my phone and saw two texts that had come through while I was sleeping, one from Dad, the other from Roni, both wishing me luck for today.

The sun was just starting to creep up, casting a bright orange glow over the neighbourhood when I made my way to the teeny, tiny rental car that would struggle, no doubt, going the distance to Cambridge. Shayla's car was still parked in her parents driveway, which surprised me, I thought for sure she'd be back in London by now.

"Are you really going to attempt to drive the clown car to Cambridge?" Shayla's soft chuckle startles me, I turn around to find her leaning against her house, cigarette glowing in her hand, another new development.

"I don't really have another option, it's either this or I catch the train but the train won't get me there on time" I regret not putting more thought into transport, I was so focused on getting my portfolio ready and ironing my clothes last night, I never once considered how it would look when I rock up for the interview hunched over from being crammed up inside the mini coupe again.

"I'll drive you" Shayla offers, stubbing out her cigarette on the driveway, she's dressed in what I can only assume is her work attire, black Guns n Roses tank top with dark blue jeans. "I'll call my boss and tell him I'm taking a half day"

"I don't want to put you out Shay or get you into trouble with work" I stress, although, her car looks like it would have loads more leg room and it would be awesome to have someone to chat to along the way.

"Don't be daft, Jimmy is cool, he lets me come and go as I please" She whips her phone out of her back pocket, punches in some numbers and casually tells the person on the receiving end that she won't be in until after lunch. "All set, like I said, Jimmy is cool, you should come back with me this afternoon and meet him"

"Sounds like a plan" Considering she's doing me a huge favour, the very least I can do is come meet her boss and see where she works. 

"Tell me about your love life Samual Nicholas Lions, is there a special girl waiting for you back in the land down under? Or are you just breaking hearts with those dimples and that cheeky smile of yours?" Shayla asks me when we merge on to the A12, on route to Cambridge. She makes me smile when she uses my full name, it's a reminder of our Mother's growing up, whenever we were in trouble the full name was dragged out.

"Well Shayla Mary O'Malley" She cringes when I use her middle name, she hates it so much, which is why I used to say it so often, just to stir her up. "There is a girl, her name is Veronica and she's an absolute stunner with a heart of gold, the complete package"

"And how does Veronica feel about you leaving her behind to chase your dreams?"

"She's actually really supportive and encouraging. She knew, before we started dating, that I'd be leaving and still she pushes me to achieve everything I want, she never holds me back, she's just one of those rare gems that builds you up" My smile grows wider just talking about my girl, I miss her so much.

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