Miss You Love

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A/N I'm actually really excited to have reached this chapter because I get to use this song as the title. Miss You Love is the perfect description of Veronica at this point and if you listen to the song I'm sure you will agree. I'm also excited to use the song because it was done by Silverchair, a band from my hometown when I was growing up and as a teenager I loved and still love their music.

Monday morning I got ready for school as usual knowing the day wouldn't be the same without Sam to talk to. Bridget and I ate our breakfast together in silence, she had taken to shutting me out after Sam had left yesterday. I'd give anything to have my 2020 Bridget here with me, she'd never ignore me, she'd know that I did this to spare myself the ultimate heartache but this Bridget lived in a sweet, sappy world where no one had ever hurt her, to her I was the enemy.

Bridget left with Sam and Kate before I had even finished getting ready. It took everything inside of me not to run out to the driveway when I heard the put of the truck pull up, instead I stayed inside my bedroom and tried my best to cover up the telltale signs that I had cried myself to sleep the night before.

By the time I arrived at school the carpark was completely full and I was forced to find a park in one of the streets nearby, which wouldn't be so bad if it hadn't been so hot already so by the time I finally got inside the school gates I was a sweaty mess.

I started to walk towards our table on the quad but stopped when I saw Sam, sitting with Bridget, soccer ball on his lap as he chatted. I scanned the area but couldn't see Kate anywhere. I turned around and headed towards the library, knowing I could stay in there and read until the bell for roll call rang.

Oh crap, roll call, I hadn't even considered all the places I was going to run into Sam at school, there really was no escape, we were in the same roll call as well as Maths and English, both classes that I had today. 

I walked into roll call with my eyes cast to the ground, I didn't want to see that pained look on Sam's face again, knowing I was the cause of it. I grabbed a seat near the front of the classroom and stared out the window that looked out onto the quad, only moving to raise my hand once my name was called. The bell rang and I bolted as fast as I could from the room but I had English first period so it was like going from the frying pan and into the fire really.

I took my assigned seat in the middle. Mrs Sails, my English teacher didn't like us changing seats. It wasn't long before Sam entered the room, he took in where I was sitting and knew he couldn't escape me either, he would have to sit beside me.

"Mrs Sails can I please move seats to that one in the corner, no one sits there" Sam asked our teacher.

"Sam if you move seats then everyone will want to move and it will anarchy. Please sit down in the seat you chose last year" Mrs Sails said dramatically, like Sam changing seats was the butterfly effect that would cause a tsunami in Japan. She was a great teacher but she was so over the top at times.

"Alright class, we're going to continue our discussion of using metaphors in creative writing today" Mrs Sails addresses the class once everyone had arrived, "Can anyone give me a metaphor to describe..." She looks around the room until her eyes fall upon me, "Veronica" she says, smiling.

"Veronica is the sun, she's hot" Darrin Peterson calls out from the back of the classroom, getting a cheer from the rest of the students, I blush and smile, turning around to look at him and he winks at me.

"Veronica is the sun, don't get too close or you will end up burnt" Sam scoffs next to me, the classroom goes dead quiet.

"Sam Lions I will not tolerate bullying in my classroom" Mrs Sails chastises Sam, "apologise to Veronica"

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