Ray Of Light

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"Call me when you're ready to come home baby" Sam said when he pulled the truck up to the curb side in front of Kelsey's lakeside apartment block. Sam had offered to drop me off at Kelsey's to save me having to collect my car tomorrow. I had only with me the clothes I was wearing, having packed an overnight bag to leave at Sam's. Outside the temperature had dropped and the wind was beginning to pick up. "And please wear your coat baby, it's due to drop to single digits tonight, I don't want you getting sick"

I leaned over and kissed his lips, lingering to savour our moment. It was sweet how much he cared, it made my heart swell. He still had his reservations about me going out tonight, a lot of which stemmed from who I was going with. If I had been with Kate then he knew we wouldn't be up to trouble but Kelsey was foreign to us both and he worried that she could lead me astray but I was determined to prove to him that he was the only boy for me, no one else would ever get a look in.

"I love you baby and I'm going to be thinking about the many ways I will be thanking you all night" I tease, letting him know that he's going to be on my mind even when he's not around.

"You don't have to thank me, just stay safe and stay warm"

"Sammy, good deeds get rewarded and you've got a big reward coming your way when we get back to your place tonight, maybe even several rewards"This brings a smile to his face, he draws me back in for one final, melt worthy kiss that almost tempts me to just stay in tonight with him and have fun exploring each other. 

My phone buzzes in my tiny handbag and I pull it out to reveal a text from Kelsey asking if I'm lost. I write back to let her know I'm out front and am coming up now. Climbing out of the warm truck, the icy winds bite at my exposed skin. I pull my coat tightly around myself and run towards the building entrance, once inside I give Sam one final wave and he drives off.

The apartment complex is pretty lavish inside, there's the entrance foyer with marbled flooring and gold trimming all around, a set of private mailboxes for residents and even an elevator. It made me miss my own apartment, which was nothing special compared to Kelsey's but still, it was my home.

Kelsey answered the door before I even had a knock, holding out a glass of coke mixed with I assumed spirits. I took the glass from her, taking a sip of its contents to discover it was, a very strong Jack Daniels, I stepped inside her forth floor apartment and was breath taken immediately by the picturesque view of the lake that was lit up with lights from boats against the dark night sky.

"How are you able to afford to live here?" I asked her, not meaning for my question to sound rude but even on my teachers salary I would never be able to afford a place like this and Kelsey only works one day a week.

"My parents own it and rent it out, hence why I have a flat mate." She laughs. "They live in Sydney but I wanted to go to uni here and they already owned the flat so it was a win win, no dorm room for me". She shows me around the large, spacious rooms. Her bedroom alone was the size of my living room and the walk in closet had me green with envy. Most people can only dream of living in a place like this but at the age of 20, Kelsey was living the dream.

She pulled a dress from the closet and held it out in front of her, it was an absolutely gorgeous, strapless, crimson red cocktail dress with slinky material and lacy bust that plunged down. It was classy and sexy all rolled into one.

"You're wearing this tonight, in fact, you can keep it, I don't have the assets to hold it up unfortunately but you do and it's going to look amazing on you" She takes my half empty glass from my hands and replaces it with the dress, which feels so soft and silky under my fingers. I try to protest but she's not having it, commanding that I get changed and come out to see her for hair and make up, closing her bedroom door behind her.

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