Big Mistake

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"So I just pee on the stick and it will tell me if I'm pregnant or not?" Kate screws up her face, holding the stick in her hand. Kate, Bridget and I were standing in my bathroom, the instruction leaflet in my hands.

"Yep, then you put the cap back on and wait 3 minutes, a plus sign means pregnant, the minus sign means you're not" I read from the leaflet, it was pretty straight forward really. "We'll leave you to it, bring it back into my room once you're done and we'll wait together."

Bridget and I shuffled out of the bathroom, back to my room. I put my Foo Fighter's CD into the player and turned the volume up hoping that the music would fill the void that silence had left. Bridget and I sat together on my bed.

"What did Jackie tell you?" I ask Bridget, I knew she had been dying to tell me but out of respect for Kate she was holding it in.

"I'm getting married" She claps her hands gleefully like a child who has just been promised dessert after dinner. "It won't be until I'm in my 30's but we will be together for many years before that"

Surely she's not talking about Carol? Jackie had told me that Sam is linked to Bridget's soulmate and he had no connection to Carol.

"Did she give you anymore information about who it would be?"

"Not really, only that her name starts with 'S', which kinda made me sad because that means I won't be with Amber" Bridget twiddles with her thumbs, looking conflicted, she loves Amber but the separation has been hard on both on them with communication being a mission to come by, Bridget would email Amber but her replies were few and far between over the past week. 

Kate walks into my room, stick in hand, she takes a seat next to Bridget on my bed, looking like she may throw up from nerves.

"I can't watch it" Kate cries, handing the test over to me to hold, she pulls her knees up to her chest and lowers her head onto them. I stare at the test, willing it to be negative but when I see the, very clear, plus sign appear my hopes are dashed. Holding the test up so that Bridget can see, I turn to Kate and put a hand on her shoulder, she pulls her head up and looks at my face, searching for an answer.

"It's positive" I confirm to her, showing her the test.

"Positive?" Sam's voice floats through my room, I hadn't even heard them come in over the music but there he stands in the doorway to my bedroom, Alex by his side, eyeing us. I look back to Kate, her panicked face matches my own. 

"I should go, I'll call you tomorrow" She says, grabbing her handbag and rushing out of my room with Alex behind her, leaving me with the test still in my hand and a confused Sam. 

"I'm going to my room" Bridget says, sensing the obvious tension now filling the room. I get up from my bed, place the test on my desk before I make my way over to Sam.

"It's not-"

"I can't believe you would do this Veronica, I thought you were alright with me leaving for Cambridge but I should have guessed it when you said you wanted to go on the pill" There's panic rising in his voice as he paces around my room, refusing to even look at me.

"Guessed what exactly?" Now I'm just as confused as he is.

"That you would try and trap me to keep me here" He bitterly spits out, shaking his head with anger, he honestly thinks that I would purposely get pregnant just to keep him from leaving, I can't believe what he's accusing me of, it's sickening and hurtful and completely unlike him.

"I think you should go" I demand, he stops pacing and looks at me, his breathing heavy and ragged. He looks from me, to the test and then back to me, his eyes soften, almost sorrowful but the damage of his words still remain.

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