I Don't Want To Miss A Thing

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I was awoken mid Sunday morning by a loud crack of thunder and a flash of lightening that lit up the room electric blue. I rolled over and pulled the covers over my pounding head, promising myself that I'll never drink again, a lie that every hungover ridden idiot tells themselves to try and ease the pain. I don't know what was worse, the thumping of my heart beat that rattled my brain or the churning of my stomach which threatened to expel its contents at any moment.

I have two options, I could continue to lay here, hoping by some miracle that sleep would take over and relieve me of feeling like death or I could, very slowly and painfully, make my way into the bathroom and give into my body's will.

I hate throwing up, it's a complete loss of control, not to mention the vile taste of acid that burns and the never knowing when it will end but it could make me feel better afterwards, it won't cure the rave that's going on in my head but it will, hopefully, stop the washing machine churning in my stomach and if I lay here any longer then chances are that I'd just end up throwing up on the floor or worse, the bed.

I sit up, very slowly, careful not to make any sudden movements that could result in an explosion. The cool air hits my back and I realise that I'm naked under the covers. I look to the other side of the bed, no Sam but he has laid out fresh underwear and pyjamas for me. I could put them on but that's going to be extra effort that, in my fragile state, I'm not going to be able to handle, instead I peel back the covers and force myself out of the bed, standing still for a moment, taking deep breaths to try and gain control over my stomach. With my eyes focused on the floor, I slump into the ensuite, my bare knees feeling the instant chill of the cold, tiled flooring, my head hunches forward and I heave into the toilet bowl.

I placed my clammy head into my hands and prayed that was over but the next wave came, faster and stronger than the first. The warmth of a blanket was wrapped around my naked body and my hair pulled back from my face. This is so humiliating, Sam is never going to want to kiss me ever again after witnessing me throw up.

"My poor baby" He says, rubbing my back, as embarrassing as it is, for him to see me like this, it does feel good to have him comfort me. My eyes sting from watering, my throat is sore and my whole body aches, I lean back against his chest. My head is now thumping harder but my stomach has settled. "Drink this" Sam says, grabbing a glass of green goop juice that he had placed beside us on the floor. "It's my dad's hangover cure, it will make you feel better, I promise"

I take the glass from him, inspecting it's contents closely, it looks like green sludge that he scooped up off the pavement and put in a glass but it smells alright and I trust his judgement. I bring the glass to my mouth and slide the thick, green goop down my throat, it doesn't taste too nasty, it's actually quite pleasant really. I was expecting it to come right back up but when it doesn't I know I'm safe to move away from the toilet bowl.

Sam holds out his hands to help me up from the tiles, once on my feet I turn and look in the mirror, my reflection makes me shudder. My eyes are surrounded in smudged black eyeliner, my hair looks like a birds nest, my skin is pasty white and is that what I think it is on my chest?

"You gave me a hickey?" I accuse Sam, inspecting the dark, purplish marking he left on me last night.

"You gave me mine first" He says, pointing to the smaller, reddish mark on his neck. I've never, in my whole life, given someone a hickey. What the hell was I thinking? I blame the alcohol.

"How drunk was I?" A part of me doesn't want to know the answer but I need to know if it's safe to show my face in public.

"You told the bouncers that they had tiny dicks, you told Kelsey that we had great sex that day on the couch and then you started copping a feel while I was driving and I had to stop you so we wouldn't have an accident" He laughs and I cringe, he wraps his arms around me and holds me against his warmth.

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