Truely Madly Deeply

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"I put it in the bin" Sam announced once he returned to the car after disposing of the evidence, "doubt Lucas will see that one" He laughed

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"I put it in the bin" Sam announced once he returned to the car after disposing of the evidence, "doubt Lucas will see that one" He laughed. I was sitting back in the passenger seat, tying my dress back up, basking in the afterglow.

"Should I be there when you tell him about us?" I ask, unsure if this is something we should do together or if it was best for Sam to take on, on his own.

"I think it's something I should do alone, he still has feelings for you and I perused you knowing that, I'm the bad guy here, not you" He comforts me, taking my hand in his. I love the feeling of his thumb swiping across the top of my hand.

"You're in no way a bad guy Sam. Do you think he felt bad when he went after me, knowing you liked me?" I question him

"Lucas doesn't give a shit about anyone but himself" He scoffs, starting the car up, "I'm taking you out for dinner my beautiful girl"

"Can we go back to my house first? I want to fix my post-sex make up and messy hair, also I think there's someone who should know that we're a couple, considering she's been the one trying to push us together" I laugh, imagining Bridget's face when we tell her we're finally an offical couple and knowing how happy she will be. I feel my phone buzzing in my handbag by my feet, I pick it up and see that it's Kate calling. She's probably wondering what happened to us, considering we were right behind them driving to the community hall.

"Hey" I answer it, turning the stereo down so I can hear her clearer

"You better be dead or having wild sex to have ditched me. I'm stuck her with Petra and she's trying to convince me that her fake Prada purse looks as real as my actual Prada purse" Kate yells down the line, in the background I can hear Quit Playing Games With My Heart

"Well I'm not dead" I tell her and she screams excitedly.

"Oh my God, tell me everything" She demands.

"I kinda can't right now because my very sexy boyfriend is sitting right next to me but we should catch up for lunch tomorrow and I'll fill you in" I promise her, looking over to see Sam smirking.

"Boyfriend, oh wow!!!" She exclaims loudly and I'm now hoping no one is around her, last thing we need is Lucas finding out before Sam has a chance to tell him. "Yes to lunch too, I'll pick you up, we can eat and then go watch the game"

It's all offical now that I've told Kate and I couldn't be happier.


As we pull into my driveway I feel a flutter of nerves rush through me. I had been fighting my feelings for Sam for so long that I wouldn't blame Bridget if she hit me with a 'I told you so' even though she knew how I felt about him but I couldn't have been more wrong. 

Entering into my living room, my hand intertwined with Sam I watch Bridget's face light up with pure joy, as if her two favourite characters from a TV show had finally gotten together. Dad came in from the dinning room about to ask why we were home so early from the dance, took one look at us together and smiled, holding his hand out to shake Sam's.

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