Bizarre Love Triangle

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Monday morning we left a little bit earlier for school so Sam, Bridget and I decided to grab breakfast at the cafe near school. Kate was absent, after what happened yesterday with Alex, having his nose broken and spending the night at the hospital, her parents thought it would be best if she stayed home and rested.

We grabbed a table outside because it was such a beautiful Summer's day, a cool breeze was passing through but the sun was beaming down on us.

"I have training for sixth period and after school, should be done by 4 though" Sam said as we were browsing the menu.

"Bridge and I will get the bus home, I'm driving out to our Mother's house, Bridget left something there yesterday and she doesn't want Carson to get his hands on it" I explain.

He looks from Me to Bridget, taking my hand in his and giving it a squeeze.

"I'll drive us there after training" He tells me firmly.

"Oh no, it's too much to have you drive out there and back" I point out, I didn't want him feeling like he had to jump to our rescue but he wouldn't take no for an answer

"Roni, I'm not comfortable with either of you going back to that house without me, not after what I saw what Carson is capable of. If he hurt either one of you I'd never forgive myself" He stresses and I knew there was no point in arguing, he was just being a protective friend and it would help ease Bridget's anxiety, plus I wasn't really looking forward to driving back in peak hour traffic anyway. 

I felt a drop of water fall on to the hand he was holding. Odd, the weather forecast said it was going to be a clear day, I looked up at the cloudless sky, when I looked back down at my hand there was no sign of water on it, my imagination clearly playing tricks on me. 

"Roni?" Sam prompted me and I realised I never gave him an answer, I squeezed his hand twice and smiled.

"Alright, you can drive us" I confirmed to him, He leaned over and kiss my lips.

We ordered our breakfast, I don't even know why Bridget studies the menu, she just gets the exact same thing every time anyway. I pulled my maths homework from my bag and quickly finished off the equations, checking them against Sam's.

We arrived at school ten minutes before the bell for roll call, the parking lot was full so Sam was forced to park in one of the streets near by.

"Ready to be my girlfriend?" Sam asked as we passed through the gates.

"Girlfriend?" My tone was probably more panicked than what I anticipated it to be.

"Ah yeah, remember?" Sam says, holding his hand for Bridget to take, "Time to set tongues wagging" He laughs. I let of a heavy breath I didn't even realise I was holding in.

They walked ahead of me, Bridget's hand in Sam's, catching everyone's eye as they crossed the quad. I'll admit I felt a pang of jealousy ripple through me as he pulled her in close to place a kiss on her forehead. I had to keep reminding myself that it was all a lie, it didn't help not having Kate here to reassure me also.

"I knew it!" Petra exclaims loudly, drawing all the attention to the new 'couple'. You know nothing you dumb bitch, I felt like screaming at her. Why was this getting to me?


I tried to avoid the gossip in the hallways all day but still it filtered back to me, some people claimed Sam was just dating Bridget in the hopes Lucas and I would work things out, others said  Bridget was pregnant and that he had stepped up to raise the baby. Each story more outrageous as the day progressed and by the time they bell rang for the end of the day I'd had enough of hearing about Sam and Bridget's relationship. It didn't help matters they they were all over each other either, or that Bridget insisted she had to sit in the passenger seat when we were leaving claiming that 'someone might see'

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