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Shay 💚

"Damn y'all niggas need to get up and do some damn work, I never seen so many sorry ass niggas in my life." Shay fussed.

She was tired of telling grown ass men to get up and do their damn job. It seemed like every day they were sitting around playing the game, or not doing shit. This was not the shit she signed up for when she agreed to infiltrate Gotti's camp.

She wasn't the type to sit around and make sure niggas was doing their jobs. She was not a damn babysitter. She didn't understand how they was even trying to go to war when they sat on their ass all day.

"Bitch mind yo business and go run some damn errands or some, ain't that your job?" One nigga laughed as he continued to play the game.

One thing Shay didn't tolerate was disrespect. And she definitely didn't tolerate a nigga calling her a bitch. She whipped her gun out so fast and shot the nigga right in his left foot. She didn't want to kill him but he was gone definitely feel the pain and he would never call a girl a bitch again.

"You crazy ass bitch you shot me." He yelled.

Shay didn't hesitate to shoot him in his right foot. Shay hated everyone who worked here. "Watch your mouth when you speaking to me nigga, you don't know me, and the next time; I might not be so generous and you might lose ya life." Shay spoke.

She hated these sorry ass niggas. "Now somebody call the doctor before this nigga bleed out and get y'all sorry ass to work before I shoot all y'all asses." Shay yelled.

She walked upstairs to the office that was provided for her and slammed the door shut. She hated that she even agreed to this damn job, let alone sitting in an office all day, and making sure grown ass men did their jobs. She was going to have a long conversation with Gotti real soon about her position.

She know she promised Ced that she was going to lay low, but she definitely wasn't about to keep on babysitting grown ass men. And letting them disrespect her. That was not the job she decided to take or do. Shay was a hustler, she needed to be hustling, not watching over grown ass men.

Shay opened her draw and pulled out the pre rolled blunt that she had stashed away. She needed a blunt bad and she knew in like 10 minutes Gotti and the two stooges was going to be knocking down her door wondering why she just put two bullets in one of their workers.

Ever since Shay started working with Gotti, she had got into with almost every worker and even two of Gotti's right hand men. Shay didn't like nobody there but she knew she had to save face, because she had one mission and one mission only.

She had learned Gotti's routine like it was hers. The nigga was very predictable and Shay loved it. She continued to feed the information to Ced and he was slowly building up a plan to wipe out Gotti and his whole crew.

Shay had learned that Gotti was in contact with a new drug supplier. And that Gotti could only be found at the main warehouse. He had people over the other two warehouses. But he never went to the other warehouses unless it was an emergency.

His security at the main warehouse was sloppy. He only had like two guards that watched the whole building. She figured that the main warehouse didn't keep much of anything inside. That's why the workers didn't do shit and it wasn't heavily guarded.

Shay was trying to get more information on the other two warehouses so that Ced wouldn't be in the blind with whatever plan he had. She hoped that she didn't have to be doing this shit for long, because she was already tired of being here.

Gotti on the other hand, was on edge with everything at the moment. He had his fiancé who had become clingy and wanted him home every night, and then you had his side piece who had went MIA for some weeks and was now blowing him up to talk.

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