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"14, quick!"

Coach Tai screamed from the sidelines, telling me to give a quick set to our rookie middle, Bea de Leon.

It is mid-May, towards the end of summer, and we are still having our volleyball training at the blue eagle gym. Our training had been on double pace and intensity as there is now pressure on us to defend our crown as the reigning UAAP champions. Add to that, we had to bring in 5 new rookies and we had to make sure that they immediately caught up with the system.

Bea, along with the other rookies, just started with the team a few weeks back and she was immediately thrust into the first six rotation. I still haven't gotten used to setting the ball for her, for about 10,000 reasons -- she's new, she's the tallest middle I have ever played with, I can't read her moves in court -- plainly, we do not have that connection while playing.

I tossed the ball as high as I could, even jumping to give a higher set, as Bea went in for her approach. I watched the ball as I slowly descended, and saw her coming in for the kill. 1... 2...

The ball hit the tape even before she could rise for her approach

"No! no!" Coach Tai shouted pointing at me, and walked on court to break the set. I slapped my forehead in frustration as we have been practicing this play for a quick middle attack for Bea for more than 10 times already, and we still haven't succeeded.

"Set, up. You, higher" coach Tai pointed at me, motioning that I am not setting the ball high enough. "You" he was now pointing at Bea, "come quick, after set high" and coach told us to run the play again.

The ball was served from the other side, Denden Lazaro, our queen libero, perfectly received the ball and passed it to me. Again, for the Nth time today, I jumped to reach the ball mid-air and put all my strength to set the ball towards Bea. In fact, I jumped a bit too high that I got off-balanced and landed on my butt. As I painfully hit the floor, I looked up and saw that Bea's quick, again, hit the tape.

Bea scratched her head and apologized to coach, offering to help me. Standing up, I wiped my now painful bum, and rolled my eyes at her. Turning around, I mumbled, "tall but no timing.."

"Jia, I heard that.." Our team captain, Alyssa Valdez, called my attention.

"Break Now" Coach said, signalling a 15 minute water break.

I don't know what came over me. It must be the frustration of not getting this play correctly, add to the fact of the hot weather, or probably the nagging injury from a recent game, I was probably too tired. don't know, I guess, I just blew up.

Feeling embarassed for getting caught, I immediately backtracked and apologized to Bea. "Sorry" I said, but more to escape the tension than as an act of remorse.

She gave a wry smile, "no, it's ok, you're right. Your sets are perfect as always, I guess I still have a lot to learn." Bea said, smiling apologetically at me before turning around to leave.

Ly called me to one corner to talk and I followed her, while I saw Bea walk the other way with her head down and her slumped shoukders. By her body movement, I knew I had offended her.

"Hey Ji," Ly called my attention.

"I'm sorry for my outburst Ate Ly," I immediately apologized, meaning it this time.

She nodded her head and smiled at me, asking me to sit beside her. I sat on the bench and squared my arms on my knees, with my chin set atop my hands.

"What's bothering you? This is not like you Jia, you're always composed.."

"I just got frustrated. And my shoulder still hurts from our last shakey's game.." I reasoned out.

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