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Shuichi and the other fifteen students have been living at the Ultimate Academy for Gifted Juveniles for a few weeks now. Everyone's true colours have shown and they've gotten to know each other a lot better. Just as Monokuma had said, they've made new friends and a romance is blossoming, Shuichi could sense it. Although he hated gossip, he could tell something was going on between Kaito and Maki, it was obvious. Shuichi however, was just as lonely ever. He wasn't as alone as Kokichi was though.

Over the past few weeks the short purple boy had gained quite the reputation for himself- a lying troublemaker. Although he hasn't actually harmed anyone, he got on everyone's nerves, and most people didn't like him. That included Shuichi's best friends, Kaito and Maki.

It was currently breakfast and Shuichi was sitting with Kaito, Maki, Kaede, Keebo and Miu.

"What's everyone's plans for today?" Kaede asked cheerfully.

"I going to work on Keeboy over here and try and install new features onto him." Miu said proudly, like she had already done it.

"Me and Maki are gonna go training together, Maki's not allowed to slack!" Kaito said loudly.

"As if I'd be the one slacking." Maki mumbled before taking a bite out of her toast. Shuichi pondered what he was going to do that day. He looked up from his food and made direct eye contact with Kokichi. The boy smirked at Shuichi, making the detective blush.

"What are you doing today Shuichi?" Kaede asked.

"Oh, I'm probably going to hang out in the arcade, I haven't been in there yet." Shuichi said as he snuck a glance at Kokichi.

"I've been in there, in really cool! Just be careful of Kokichi, if he loses he goes on a rampage and almost kills you." Keebo commented.

"That was one time!" Kokichi yelled, never taking his eyes of Shuichi.

"Well I'll have to be careful won't I? I don't want to be killed by Kokichi." Shuichi said before eating his last mouthful of breakfast.

"That's if he can reach you. The kid's a fucking gremlin." Miu said, loud enough for Kokichi to hear.

"I may be short but at least I'm not a cum dumpster." Kokichi responded, smirking and looking down at his almost empty plate. He looked up to see a very flustered and red Miu.

"C-C-Cum dumpster? I never thought someone would call me a cum dumpster!" Miu said, starting to make Shuichi uncomfortable.

"I'm heading out, see you guys later." Shuichi said as he took his plate to the kitchen, re-adjusted his hat and walked out.

"Disgusting she is." Shuichi heard someone next to him mumble, scaring the daylights out of him.

"Ah! O-oh Kokichi." Shuichi said, relieved at knowing it was just the troublemaker and not Monokuma.

"Hey Shuichi. I heard that you were going to the arcade and I thought I'd tag along, since I was going there too." Kokichi explained, looking forwards. The taller boy watched Kokichi, deep in thought.

"-uichi. Shuichi? Saihara-chan?" Kokichi said, waving his hand in front of Shuichi's face.

"A-ah yes?" Shuichi responded, coming back to reality.

"Am I really that good looking?" Kokichi asked, making Shuichi blush. The detective moved his hat slightly to hide his blush.

"I-I- uhm, you see I-" Shuichi stuttered, trying to find an excuse as to why he was staring at Kokichi.

"Anyway, why did you want to go to the arcade?" The purple haired boy asked, sparing Shuichi.

"Like I said earlier, I haven't been in there yet and I wanted to see what it's like." Shuichi answered.

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