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"That was.. weird." Kaede said.

"It's Kokichi, what do you expect?" Miu asked.

"See you all later." Kokichi said cheerfully as he jumped up and ran out the cafeteria.

"Thank Atua he's gone." Maki said.

"Maki what's your problem with him? I know he's a bit of a dick but he's not hurting anyone." Shuichi asked.

"Why are you defending him?" Maki asked. Shuichi saw Kokichi enter the room again silently.

"I'd do it for anyone else." Shuichi said.

"No, that's not it." Maki said.

"Look, just because you have something against him doesn't mean we all do." Shuichi said, watching Maki.

"No. There's something going on with you two." Maki said.

"Uh, not trying to kill one another?" Shuichi asked. He wasn't usually like this, but Maki was kind of annoying him now.

"You're screwing him, aren't you?" Maki asked, making Shuichi choke on his own saliva. Even Kokichi's eyes widened.

"Pooichi? Getting laid? With Cockichi?" Miu asked, shoked.

"I'm not screwing Kokichi!" Shuichi said once he recovered.

"And I'm not the Ultimate Assassin." Maki said, watching Shuichi.

"I'm not!" Shuichi said, getting up.

"What are you doing buddy?" Kaito asked, standing up as well.

"Leaving." Shuichi said.

"If you leave it'll only prove my point." Maki stated.

"It is really that hard to believe that I'm just being nice to Kokichi? Yeah he can be a dick but he's innocent." Shuichi said, making Miu cackle.

"Kokichi? Innocent? Try again Shuichi." Miu said.

"Okay, maybe he's not that innocent, but he still doesn't deserve to be murdered at every opportunity you have." Shuichi said, turning to Maki.

"Shuichi, are you hearing yourself?" Kaito asked.

"Yeah, I am. All I'm doing is sticking up for a classmate. Maki's just being a bully." Shuichi said before something hit his face and he got knocked to the floor. People gasped and stood up, looking at Shuichi. Kokichi watched in confusion, wondering why he was just staying there, hiding his face. Then it hit him.

"Holy shit." Kokichi mumbled, his eyes widening.

"The little shit enjoys it!" Miu exclaimed, and Kokichi watched Shuichi's face go red.

"W-What?" Kaito asked. Kokichi watched Shuichi shrink, desperately hiding his face behind his hat.

"That explains why he lets Kaito boss him around all the time!" Himiko said. Kokichi remembered something Shuichi said about that.

"I- I don't mind being bossed around, it's not a big deal."

"Damn, didn't think Shuichi of all people would be a kinky little fucker." Miu said, laughing.

"Shut the fuck up Miu, you get turnt on by being called a cum dumpster." Kokichi said, staring at Shuichi still.

"When the fuck did you come back?" Maki hissed.

"I was here the whole time, I heard everything." Kokichi said.

"And you didn't deny anything?" Maki stared at Kokichi.

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