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"Anyway, I'll be heading out now." Shuichi said, nodding to the group before leaving. He stepped out the cafeteria and then realised he had no idea where he wanted to go. He stood in the middle of the corridor like an idiot, not knowing what to do.

"You look like an idiot." A voice said. Shuichi turned around only to be greeted by the two people he didn't want to see.

Maki and Kaito.

"What do you want?" Shuichi asked, slightly pissed.

"You to maybe not be a dick?" Kaito asked.

"Me? A dick? You punched me!" Shuichi said- rather loudly.

"Maybe you should get some decency back then." Kaito said.

"What the fuck is your deal?" Shuichi asked.

"What's my deal? You're the one that's fucking Kokichi all the time. Shuichi's gone? Where is he? Oh yeah, with Kokichi fucking Ouma!" Kaito yelled.

"I'm not with Kokichi all the time, if I were, he'd be here now. And I'm not fucking Kokichi!" Shuichi said.

"Then what are you doing with him all the time?" Maki asked.

"We're not always together, and when we are he's just being his usual teasing and pranking self and I'm just trying to get whatever I'm doing done." Shuichi explained.

"Am I really that much of a big bad villain?" A voice said as they appeared from the cafeteria door.

"No, you're just a spoilt brat that doesn't deserve to be here." Kaito said, glaring at Kokichi.

"Aw, well that's a shame, because I am here!" Kokichi said, rocking back and forth on the balls of his feet.

"Unfortunately." Maki mumbled.

"You ever wondered if your feelings were reciprocated? That I hate you as much as you hate me?" Kokichi asked, looking at Kaito.

"I don't give a shit about how you feel about me." Kaito said.

"Well I don't either, I don't give a shit about you at all. But taking your hatred of me out on Shuichi is just a dick move." Kokichi said.

"He's right Kaito." Maki whispered.

"And it's also a dick move to take advantage of Shuichi. You bossed him around because you knew he'd do it. And then you go and punch him and expose him in front of everyone!" Kokichi said. It wasn't his usual cheery tone, it was a menacing one. One that even Maki had to take a step back in fear.

"Ouma." Maki mumbled.

"So if you be a dick one more time, I will kill you. I don't care about the consequences, Shuichi is the last person that deserves to be hurt, let alone by his so called best friend." Kokichi threatened.

"You really think a tiny gremlin like you can kill me?" Kaito asked, laughing slightly.

"Kaito don't test him." Maki warned.

"I mean it Kaito, I will make sure you never go to space." Kokichi said.

"Fine, I'll leave Shuichi alone. But I still hate you, that clear?" Kaito asked.

"Crystal." Kokichi said. The two glared at each other for a few moments before someone came through the door.

"Woah what's going on here?" Kaede asked.

"Didn't you hear?" Shuichi asked, and Kaede shook her head.

"Miu, uh," Kaede said before Shuichi nodded in understanding.

"Anyway, I'll be taking my Shumai now, see you guys at dinner~" Kokichi said before grabbing onto Shuichi's arm and dragging him away. When they got to the Supreme Leader's ultimate lab, Shuichi took a seat on a bean bag and Kokichi sat on his chair.

"Thanks for that Kokichi." Shuichi said.

"It's chill. I couldn't leave my precious detective in distress now, could I?" Kokichi said with a smirk.

"I wasn't in distress." Shuichi said, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Shuichi you were almost in tears." Kokichi said softly. Shuichi looked at the floor in silence.

"I- I thought they were my f-friends." Shuichi said quietly, tearing up and covering his face with his hands. He heard Kokichi get up and sit with him on the bean bag before pulling him in for a hug.

"I know baby. I'm sorry they're being dicks. It's all my fault, I'm so sorry." Kokichi mumbled. Shuichi felt something wet drip onto his head, and that's when he realised Kokichi was crying too. The two boys heard a knock on the door and someone stepped into their room.

"Hey- fucks sake Kaito." The person mumbled before walking over to the two boys.

"What do you want?" Kokichi asked, looking up at Maki with tears in his eyes.

"I wanted to say sorry. I realised I've been a bitch to you guys with no reason. I apologise for Kaito's behaviour as well, I know you want an apology from him not me, but I'm really sorry." Maki said, fiddling with a strand of her hair.

"Thank you Maki." Shuichi said, looking at her from Kokichi's embrace.

"Thanks." Kokichi mumbled, "I guess you're not as bad as I thought."

"Uh, I thought you guys wouldn't believe me so, uh, I got these as a peace offering." Maki said as she held out a grape panta and a pair of handcuffs. Kokichi raised his eyebrows.

"D-Don't make the handcuffs weird. I just thought the fact that he's a detective, and the fact he's with you often, he might want to cuff you to a pole and leave you there for a bit. Plus I didn't know what else to get him." Maki said, making Shuichi giggle.

"Thanks Maki." Shuichi said before reaching his hand out and taking the gifts. He hands Kokichi the panta while he looks at the handcuffs.

"What you gonna do with those Saihara~chan?" Kokichi said, a smirk on his face.

"Handcuff you to the bed." Shuichi said calmly, making Kokichi choke on his panta.

"Guys I'm still here." Maki reminded them.

"Oops." Kokichi said with a cheeky grin.

"Would I be correct in assuming that you two are a thing now?" Maki asked. Kokichi and Shuichi just looked at each other, mentally communicating.

"Uh, yeah." Shuichi mumbled.

"Tell anyone and I'll get my organisation on you!" Kokichi said.

"Your secret's safe with me." Maki said with a small smile.

"Thanks Maki." The boys said in unison.

"You guys are cute." Maki said.

"T-thanks." Shuichi mumbled.

"Oh Kokichi, even though I've called a truce, if you hurt Shuichi I will kill you." Maki said, turning to the purple haired boy.

"Gotcha Maki-roll~" Kokichi teased.

"Don't call me that." Maki quickly said.

"Thank you Maki, it means a lot to us that you apologised." Shuichi said.

"Speak for yourself Shumai." Kokichi said, his arms resting behind his head.

"Kokichi." Shuichi said sternly.

"Fine, I guess your apology means something." Kokichi said, huffing in annoyance.

"There's the Kokichi I know." Maki said with a small smile.

"I gotta go, I snuck away from Kaito and he's probably looking for me. I'll try and talk to Kaito okay?" Maki said before running out the room.

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