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Shuichi's face went as red as Himiko's hair.

"You asked for it Shuichi, why are you blushing?" Kokichi asked, giggling to himself.

"I-uh." Shuichi said, his face getting hotter by the second.

"Come on Shumai, don't be scared. You know what you want to do." Kokichi whispered in Shiuchi's ear, sending shivers down his spine. Shuichi froze, making Kokichi burst out laughing.

"Damn what happened to the bold Shuichi? Now I'm just getting the shy emo detective back." Kokichi said.

"Oh please." Shuichi said before he wrapped his arms around Kokichi's neck, pulling him closer and catching Kokichi off guard.

"Woah, where did that come from?" Kokichi mumbled.

"What are you going to do now Kokichi?" Shuichi whispered, his breath fanning over the purple haired boy's face.

"What do you want me to do Shuichi?" Kokichi asked, smirking slightly.

"I don't know." Shuichi mumbled, making Kokichi laugh.

"That's useful." Kokichi said, rolling his eyes.

"Well sorry I'm too busy trying to breathe than make my brain work." Shuichi said, laughing slightly.

"Do I really take your breath away? Damn I'm flattered." Kokichi said, making both boys laugh.

"Damn if you carry on I might actually fall for you." Shuichi mumbled.

"Good." Kokichi mumbled back, smiling.

"I- what?" Shuichi asked, his brain hazy.

"You wanted me to prove I can make people fall in love with me didn't you?" Kokichi asked, reminding the navy haired boy.

"Oh yeah." The taller male said, making them both laugh again.

"Dumbass." Kokichi said, shaking his head while smiling.

"I've never fallen for anyone before." Shuichi admitted.

"Really? I thought you liked Kayayayaday?" Kokichi asked.

"No, she doesn't really seem my type." Shuichi responded.

"What is your type then?" Kokichi asked, curious.

"Uh... Oh no." Shuichi said, his eyes widening.

"What?" Kokichi asked.

"I think I'm gay." Shuichi mumbled, looking at Kokichi. The smaller boy blinked before laughing.

"Why did you say oh no?" Kokichi asked.

"I- uh, Kaito." Shuichi said.

"Huh, what about him?" Kokichi responded.

"He's, uh, kinda homophobic." Shuichi answered.

"Well fuck him. No don't do that." Kokichi said, making Shuichi laugh.

"Definitely don't do that." Shuichi said.

"Anyway, welcome to the gay club, I'm the only member." Kokichi said, him and Shuichi laughing. The boys stayed like that, looking at each other for a little while before Shuichi spoke up.

"You should get to sleep, it's half four in the morning."

"Hnnghhh I don't wanna sleep." Kokichi said, his eyes fluttering closed.

"Shhh go to sleep." Shuichi said as the smaller boy fell asleep in his arms. Shuichi laid down with Kokichi and fell asleep.


It was morning and the sun streamed through Shuichi's curtains. Shuichi opened his eyes and tried to sit up before falling back down. He looked down to see Kokichi wrapped around him. His eyes widened.

"Oh fuck!" Shuichi shouted, making Kokichi jump and fall out of bed.

"Fuck you!" Kokichi yelled as his head hit the floor.

"I'm sorry!" Shuichi said, holding a hand out to Kokichi.

"You better be, that hurt." Kokichi said as he rubbed the back of his head.

"I- uh," Shuichi stuttered, trying to make sense of what was happening.

"See you in the cafeteria." Kokichi said as he stood up and climbed out the window. Shuichi blinked a few times before shaking his head. The navy haired boy walked over to his wardrobe and got out a fresh set of clothes before getting changed. After changing he made his way to the cafeteria.

When the Ultimate Detective got to the cafeteria he realised he was one of the last people there.

"Shuichi, where were you last night?" Kaito asked.

"Huh, oh, I passed out as soon as I got to my dorms last night." Shuichi answered as he sat down.

"Damn, were you really that tired?" Kaito said, making Shuichi nod in response.

"Guys I have an idea!" Kaede said, grabbing everyone's attention.

"What's the idea Kaediot?" Miu asked.

"How about we have a movie night tonight? In the gym at seven pm." Kaede said before several people nodded their heads.

"You people are boring though, you'll probably chose some gross romantic movie." Kokichi said as he took a bite out of his pancake.

"How about a horror movie?" Keebo asked, and several people agreed.

"Sure, that'll be interesting." Kaede said, her signature smile on her face. Everyone got back to eating their breakfast, small conversations happening here and there. There was a conversation with Kaito and Maki, but Shuichi didn't pay any attention. After finishing his food Shuichi excused himself and headed to his research lab.

Thoughts were whirling through the detective's head as he headed to his lab. It was thoughts about Kokichi, and the night before. Shuichi had a feeling they weren't going to talk about it, which left him to wonder what happened on his own.

Shuichi stepped into his lab, closed the door behind him and got to work. After a few hours of Shuichi working in silence, he got a guest.

"What exactly is in the Ultimate Detective's research lab? Magnifying glasses?" The guest said, laughing slightly.

"Monokuma gave me complicated cases to try and solve. I also have files on each of the students here, which is pretty interesting." Shuichi responded, still working on something.

"This is pretty cool!" The guest said, looking at the boards around the room covered in evidence and photographs with note scribbled next to them.

"Being a detective isn't going to be boring is it?" Shuichi asked, still not giving the other person that much attention.

"No, but the detective can be." The guest responded. Shuichi spun around in his seat.

"Am I really that boring?" Shuichi asked.

"Awh, is my beloved getting upset because I called him boring?" Kokichi asked.

"No, not really." Shuichi said, turning back to his work.

"Why can't you be exciting like last night?" Kokichi mumbled.

"Huh, what was that?" Shuichi asked.

"Nothing." Kokichi sang.

"Mhm sure." Shuichi said, rolling his eyes. He saw Kokichi rooting through his drawers out the corner of his eye.

"Ah ha!" Kokichi said as he took a file out and sat on the floor. The boys went silent for a while, Kokichi reading the file and Shuichi working on the case. After about five minutes, Kokichi stood up and went over to the bin making Shuichi chuckle.

"If you're looking for my missing file page, I burnt it long ago." Shuichi said, not turning his attention away from what he was doing.

"Huh? Why?" Kokichi asked, dragging out the "why".

"Because I didn't like what it said." Shuichi said casually.

"What could've been that bad to burn it?" Kokichi asked.

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