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"I-" Shuichi didn't expect that.

"Well I wasn't going to marry Kaito now, was I?" Kokichi said, rolling his eyes. There was a knock on the door and Kokichi jumped under the covers, making Shuichi laugh. The taller boy walked over to the door to see who it was.

"Good afternoon Shuichi, have you seen Kokichi anywhere?" Kirumi asked.

"I'm here!" Kokichi said as he ran towards the door.

"Ah Kokichi. I found this on the floor outside your dorm." Kirumi said as she handed it to Kokichi. The purple haired boy was very confused at first until he realised what it was.

"Oh God." Kokichi mumbled, going slightly red. "Is it hot in here or is it just me?" Kokichi said, fanning himself with his hand, making Kirumi and Shuichi laugh.

"I hope you can cool down soon. Also, dinner will be ready soon boys." Kirumi said before leaving the two boys.

"Thank you Kirumi!" Shuichi shouted before closing the door.

"Anyway, what were we doing?" Kokichi asked, his face wasn't as red anymore.

"You were going to tell me what that was." Shuichi said, hoping it would work.

"Ha, nice try Shuichi, that won't work." Kokichi said. "I'm gonna take my teddy to my dorm real quick, once I'm back do you wanna head to the cafeteria for dinner?" Kokichi asked.

"Yeah sure." Shuichi responded, nodding as Kokichi went back over to the bed to grab his teddy.

"See you in a minute!" Kokichi said before closing the door behind him and disappearing from Shuichi's view. Shuichi went over to his bed and quickly made the sheets, placing his teddy by his pillow. He turned around and was greeted by Kokichi leaning against his doorframe.

"Did you run or something?" Shuichi said as he walked over to Kokichi.

"Pssh nah, why would I run?" Kokichi said before stepping aside, letting Shuichi out of his room.

"I- I don't know. You're a confusing character Kokichi." Shuichi said, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Because I'm a liar? Want me to stop? Okay." Kokichi said, a grin on his face as he rested his arms behind his head.

"Really? You'll stop lying?" Shuichi asked. Kokichi burst out laughing.

"Awh you seem so hopeful. Me, stop lying? Never." Kokichi said, rolling his eyes at Shuichi's naiveness.

"I'm too naive aren't I?" Shuichi asked, looking down.

"At least you're not borderline dumb like that purple haired bimbo." Kokichi said, the hatred dripping in his tone.

"You really don't like him huh?" Shuichi asked, slightly upset that they didn't get along.

"No, I don't." Kokichi said, his teeth grit. The two boys were fairly close to the cafeteria.

"Kaito and Maki feel the same way about you. Which means-" Shuichi said before being cut off.

"Ooh. Shuichi Saihara, wanting to lie?" Kokichi said, his eyebrows raised and a smirk on his face.

"Yes." Shuichi responded, looking at Kokichi.

"Join the club Mr. Detective." Kokichi said, a mischievous glint in his eye before running off into the cafeteria.

"What have I gotten myself into?" Shuichi mumbled to himself before heading to the cafeteria. He opened the doors and walked over to Kaito and Maki.

"Hey sidekick!" Kaito said as Shuichi sat down.

"Hey Kaito." Shuichi responded with as Kirumi placed his food down on the table. "Thanks Kirumi." Shuichi said with a smile.

"You're welcome." Kirumi said before walking off.

"How was the arcade with Kokichi?" Maki asked.

"It's beautiful in there! I saw Kokichi but we didn't interact much, we kept to ourselves mainly." Shuichi explained.

"We have two liars now?" Rantaro mumbled, making Shuichi choke on his food.

"Shuichi choking on dick or some shit?" Miu shouted as she walked into the room.

"Kokichi's the only one to do that." Ryoma mumbled.

"Huh? The gremlin's a faggot?" Miu asked as she sat down, Keebo next to her.

"Miu! That's not nice." Kaede said, sitting next to Keebo.

"Thank God Kokichi's gay, the degenerate males can deal with him. Maybe he can leave Himiko alone now." Tenko said. Shuichi looked up at Kokichi who was picking at his food.

"Does it really matter about who's gay or not?" Shuichi asked.

"Atua said it shall not matter about our sexual orientation!" Angie said, clasping her hands together.

"Exactly!" Kaede said positively.

"Anyway, did you and Kokichi fuck in the arcade?" Miu asked Shuichi, a smirk on her face. Shuichi and Kokichi choked on their food.

"Honestly, can you not have sex on the brain for five minutes, cum dumpster?" Kokichi shot, staring at Miu.

"At least I can get it." Miu shot back.

"On the contrary-" Rantaro started.

"Shut up Rantaro!" Kokichi and Miu shouted.

"Guys!" Kaede shouted.

"If you're going to argue, argue somewhere else. Some of us are trying to eat." Maki said, shooting a death glare to Miu and Kokichi.

"Yeah, what Maki said!" Kaito agreed. Shuichi and Kokichi exchanged glances before going back to their food. The cafeteria stayed quiet, smaller conversations starting after a few minutes.

"Hey sidekick, wanna hang out after dinner?" Kaito asked.

"Depends. Is Maki gonna be there?" Shuichi responded.

"Something wrong with me?" Maki asked, emotionless as usual.

"Ah no! That came out I'm sorry. It's just- forget about it." Shuichi said, adjusting his hat to hide his face. The navy haired boy finished his food before excusing himself, heading to the dorms. Halfway there he bumped into Rantaro.

"Hello Shuichi." The green haired boy started.

"Ah, hello Rantaro." Shuichi responded. He knew what he was going to ask.

"What happened with you and Kokichi earlier?" He knew it.

"Uh. Basically, we went on the DDR machine together, I wanted to see if Kokichi was as good as he said he was. After we were talking about the scores and I went to take a step to look at Kokichi's scores and tripped." Shuichi explained. It wasn't all a lie.

"So there's nothing going on with you two? You looked pretty comfy on the floor together." Rantaro said, laughing slightly.

"There's nothing going on with us, it's just neither of us realised what it looked like, that's all." Shuichi said before Rantaro nodded.

"Okay, cool. I'll leave you alone now." Rantaro said, Shuichi nodding in response as Rantaro walked out of Shuichi's view. Shuichi carried on walking towards the dorms.

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