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Kokichi choked on his own saliva.

"No? Okay then." Shuichi said, returning back to the movie.

"I hate you." Kokichi said, crossing his arms.

"No you don't." Shuichi said, making Kokichi huff in annoyance.

"You know, for the Ultimate Supreme Leader, you're not very bold." Shuichi said after a while.

"What?" Kokichi asked, looking over at the detective.

"Huh? Nothing." Shuichi said with a smirk before eating another piece of popcorn. Kokichi had had enough.

The purple haired boy lunged for the popcorn, but Shuichi raised the bag above him. Kokichi rolled off the chair and onto the floor.

"My popcorn." Shuichi said, eating another piece. Kokichi huffed again before standing up. Before he could get to his seat, Shuichi grabbed Kokichi's waist.

"What do you want?" Kokichi asked. Shuichi, his eyes still on the movie, raised his bag of popcorn, offering Kokichi some. The smaller boy took a handful and sat back in his seat.

"You're welcome." Shuichi said.

"I know I am." Kokichi said, making Shuichi roll his eyes.

"I'm never being nice to you again." Shuichi mumbled.

"Fine, I wanna see what bad Shuichi's like anyway." Kokichi said with a smirk. The two boys heard a shriek come from the front of the room and saw Miu sitting in Kaede's lap. Kokichi burst out laughing, trying to stay as quiet as he could.

"You know if you were paying attention you'd have the same reaction." Shuichi said, making Kokichi frown.

"No I wouldn't." Kokichi answered.

"Kokichi, you literally jumped out of my bed this morning and screamed." Shuichi reminded the smaller boy.

"That's because you yelled in my ear." Kokichi replied.

"Maybe you shouldn't have fallen asleep in my bed then." Shuichi responded, looking over at Kokichi.

"You literally told me to go to sleep." Kokichi said, looking at Shuichi. The two boys looked at each other for a while before Shuichi looked down slightly, and then back up.

"I- are you checking me out?" Kokichi asked, shocked.

"So what if I am? You won't act on it." Shuichi said, a smirk tugging at his lips. Kokichi grabbed Shuichi's shirt and pulled him down to Kokichi's level.

"What was you saying?" Kokichi said with a smirk.

"What are you going to do now Kokichi?" Shuichi asked, curious. Just at that moment, the lights snapped back on and the two boys separated. Kokichi ducked down and run across the row and made his way back to his seat. When he got back to his seat, he spoke.

"Kaede you have shit taste, that was boring as fuck." Kokichi said.

"What? That movie was terrifying!" Kaede responded, making Shuichi chuckle.

"Kokichi wasn't paying any attention I bet." Miu piped up.

"At least I didn't use the movie as an excuse to try and get laid." Kokichi said smirking. This made Shuichi burst out laughing at the irony.

"What are you laughing about emo?" Miu yelled.

"Nothing, nothing." Shuichi responded.

Everyone cleared up their rubbish and started heading to their dorms, since it was almost nighttime. The only people left in the hall were Shuichi and Kokichi.

""At least I didn't use the movie as an excuse to try and get laid."" Shuichi quoted as he made his way down to Kokichi.

"Shut up." Kokichi said, blushing slightly.

"Awh, the Ultimate Supreme Leader's embarrassed." Shuichi teased.

"No I'm not, now shut up before I beat you up." Kokichi responded.

"I'd like to see you try." Shuichi said as he put his empty popcorn bag in the bin.

"Is that because I'm small?" Kokichi asked, his hands on his hips.

"Maybe, maybe not." Shuichi said as he walked out the door.

"Fucks sake, you're getting as confusing as I am." Kokichi said before following Shuichi out.

"Good, that's what I was aiming for." Shuichi said as he walked back to the dorms.

"Shumaii~ I'm tired!" Kokichi said as he dragged himself down the corridor.

"I'm not carrying you." Shuichi said, not looking at Kokichi.

"Goddamnit." Kokichi said before skipping to catch up with Shuichi.

"Are you going to randomly appear in my dorm at 2am again?" Shuichi asked, looking at Kokichi.

"It all depends. Do you want me to?" Kokichi asked, curious.

"It all depends." Shuichi replied.

"Just give me a straight answer!" Kokichi yelled.

"I can't do that if I'm gay can I?" Shuichi asked.

"Ha ha very funny. You only know that because of me." Kokichi said. Shuichi rolled his eyes.

"We're here." Shuichi said as he opened the dorm doors.

"I can see that dummy." Kokichi said as he stood in the middle of the dorms, deciding where to go. Shuichi unlocked his dorm and opened the door. He walked in the room but left his door open. Kokichi stared at the detective.

"You coming in or not?" Shuichi asked as Kokichi walked over to him. The smaller boy closed the dorm door and walked over to Shuichi's bed, sitting down.

"What's up with you?" Kokichi asked, suspicious.

"Huh, nothings up with me." Shuichi said, leaning back in his seat.

"Uh, yes there is. You were bolder than usual." Kokichi pointed out.

"It was a boring movie, I got bored." Shuichi shrugged.

"So you decided to tease me instead?" Kokichi asked.

"You got as good as you gave." Shuichi responded.

"I- you flat out asked if I wanted to make out with you." Kokichi pointed out.

"You're just jealous I can ask it instead of giving hints." Shuichi replied.

"Fuck you." Kokichi responded.

"Damn Kokichi, at least kiss me first." Shuichi responded, making Kokichi blush.

"I don't like this Shuichi." Kokichi mumbled. Shuichi went silent, he didn't know how to respond.

"I'm sorry." Shuichi apologised. Kokichi stayed quiet, laying on the detectives bed.

"It's just confusing that's all." Kokichi said, staring at the ceiling.

"Huh? I'm confusing?" Shuichi asked, looking at the boy on his bed.

"Yeah. When we're alone you're all flirty and bold but when everyone else is around you just go bad to hiding under your hat and being your emo self." Kokichi explained.

"Ah." Shuichi replied.

"Can I ask you a question? And you have to answer honestly." Kokichi asked.

"Sure." Shuichi said, slightly suspicious. Kokichi sat up and looked at Shuichi before asking the question.

"How do you really feel about me?"

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