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Shuichi reached for something on the bed and then reached behind Kokichi. The next thing they knew, Kokichi was handcuffed with his hands behind his back and Shuichi holding the key infront of his face.

"It seems Kaito's training's paid off. A bit." Maki said, making them laugh.

"What was you saying Kokichi?" Shuichi asked with a smirk.

"I'll get you back." Kokichi said, a pout on his face.

"I'm starting to think I should've given you eyeliner instead." Maki said, making the group laugh.

"What's gonna happen when he wakes up?" Kokichi asked, referring to Kaito.

"He'll have the arse, I doubt he'll do anything though." Maki explained.

"He sits next to us Maki, are you going to be okay?" Shuichi asked.

"I'll be fine. I'll swap with him so I'm sitting next to you instead if you want." Maki said and Shuichi nodded.

"Thank you Maki." The detective said.

"It's cool. I'll be leaving now." Maki said as she stood up and walked to the door.

"Oh, and make sure you keep it down, we have enough of Miu's moans we don't need Shuichi's too." Maki said before closing the door, making Shuichi go bright red and Kokichi have a laughing fit.

"I don't know what you're laughing about, you're the one in handcuffs." Shuichi said before he picked up Kokichi and threw him onto the bed. Kokichi smirked.

"Shuichi being a top? Didn't see that coming." Kokichi said.

"Shut up." Shuichi said before he leant down and kissed Kokichi. The smaller boy smiled into the kiss, enjoying every second. Shuichi pulled back to breath before Kokichi started whining.

"But Shumai~" Kokichi whined.

"I need to breathe." Shuichi said before laying down next to Kokichi.

"Am I gonna be in these all night?" Kokichi asked, turning on his side to face Shuichi.

"Depends on how you behave." Shuichi said.

"I swear you forget that I can easily lock pick it." Kokichi mumbled.

"I remember, but I just know you won't." Shuichi said, looking at the supreme leader.

"Meanie." Kokichi said, pouting.

"You know you love me." Shuichi said with a smile, pulling Kokichi closer to him.

"I'm not so sure about that, you'll have to convince me." Kokichi said with a smirk. Shuichi kissed Kokichi's nose, then peppered kisses all around his face. Finally, he kissed the Supreme Leader on the lips.

"Okay, maybe I do." Kokichi said with a smile.

"Maybe you do what?" Shuichi asked, a smile on his face. Kokichi rolled his eyes.

"Nice try Shumai." Kokichi said.

"That rhymes." Shuichi said.

"I'm a poet and I didn't even know it." Kokichi said with a grin.

"Oh Atua save me." Shuichi said, burying his head in Kokichi's chest. Kokichi giggled. The boys stayed like that until they fell asleep.


Shuichi opened his eyes to see Kokichi above him.

"Morning sleepyhead!" Kokichi said.

"A-Ah!" Shuichi said.

"You're probably wondering; "where am I?" or "who am I?"" Kokichi said.

"Kokichi I know exactly who I am and where I am." Shuichi said.

"You spoilt my fun! Meanie!" Kokichi said, pouting. Shuichi sat up and kissed the boy on his lap.

"Can you get these off me now?" Kokichi asked.

"I suppose." Shuichi said before Kokichi slid off Shuichi. The detective retrieved the key and Kokichi turned around. The Supreme Leader heard a 'click' and felt the handcuffs being removed.

"Ah, thank Atua they're gone." Kokichi said, rubbing his wrists.

"Oh shit." Shuichi said as he looked at how red Kokichi's wrists were.

"Look what you did!" Kokichi said, pretend mad.

"I'm sorry." Shuichi said, grabbing Kokichi's hands. Shuichi kissed his wrists. "Better now?" Shuichi asked.

"Yup!" Kokichi said cheerfully. Shuichi walked over to the door and stuck his head out.

"You can go back to your dorm, nobody's out." Shuichi said as Kokichi ran to the door. The smaller boy ducked under Shuichi's arm and ran to his dorm, making Shuichi laugh. Maki stood at her dorm door laughing as well.

"There's never a boring day with him." Maki said.

"Nope. Wanna head to breakfast?" Shuichi said and Maki nodded in response.

"What about Panta boy?" Maki asked.

"He'll enter later, probably announcing that he's going to end the world or something." Shuichi said making Maki laugh.

"Sounds like Kokichi." Maki said.

"It's nice seeing you laugh and smile." Shuichi pointed out.

"Do you wanna die?" Maki asked.

"Uh, Kokichi wouldn't like if I did so no?" Shuichi responded.

"Fair enough." Maki said.

"Thank you again, for defending me and Kokichi." Shuichi said.

"It's chill, no need to thank me. Sorry for accusing you of screwing him, even though I'm right." Maki said with a wink.

"I- We're not there yet!" Shuichi said, flustered.

"Wish somebody else could hold their horses like that." Maki said, Shuichi knowing exactly who she was referring to. The two arrived at the cafeteria.

"Good Morning Maki, good morning Shuichi." Keebo said.

"Morning Keebo." Shuichi and Maki said in unison. They both took their seats and Kirumi placed their plates in front of them.

"Thanks Kirumi." Shuichi said.

"You're quite welcome Shuichi." Kirumi said. Maki heard the doors open and shortly after someone took a seat next to her.

"Good morning Kaito." Keebo said.

"Morning." Kaito grumbled.

"Morning everyone, sorry we're late!" Kaede said as she walked into the room with Miu.

"I'm not, that was some good shit I just got." Miu said loudly.

"Miu shut the fuck up we don't want to know about your sex life." Maki said.

"Nishishi~ the king has arrived!" Kokichi announced as he skipped into the room.

"Glad to see they're not handcuffed anymore." Kaede said with a smile.

"Kokichi what happened to your wrists?" Rantaro asked.

"Oh, that. Somebody put me in handcuffs and didn't take them off until this morning." Kokichi explained, staring at Shuichi.

"Serves you right." Kaito mumbled. Shuichi and Maki stared at him.

"Don't start Kaito." Kaede said, also glaring at Kaito.

"What did I miss?" Keebo asked.

"Nothing." Kaito, Shuichi, Maki, Kokichi, Gonta, Kirumi and Kaede said in unison.

"Okay something definately happened if half the room is hiding it."

"Uh." Shuichi and Kaede said.

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