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The navy haired detective and the purple haired supreme leader reached the cafeteria quite quickly due to their running. Kokichi burst through the doors laughing and ran straight to the table whereas Shuichi had his hands on his knees, trying to get his breath back at the door.

"What's the little shit done now?" Maki asked, giving Kokichi the death glare.

"It's fine Maki." Shuichi said in between breaths. He made his way over to his seat and sat down, his breathing almost back to normal.

"Shuichi you are the most unfit guy I've ever met." Maki said, making Shuichi chuckle.

"Thanks Maki." The detective replied before eating his food.

"Ah Shuichi, it's weird seeing you without your hat." Kaede said as she sat down. Shuichi's hands flew up to his head before he realised he was, in fact, not wearing his hat. He heard giggles from the end of the table and looked up.

"I knew it." Shuichi said, shaking his head with a slight smile on his face.

"Nishishi~ you should be more careful Shumai, I could've stolen more than your hat." Kokichi said with a wink, making Shuichi blush.

"Ya sayin' ya gonna steal Pooichi's v-card?" Miu yelled, making Shuichi choke.

"I meant his heart, but I'll steal that too." Kokichi said before Shuichi buried his head in his hands.

"Am I missing something?" Kaito asked, confused.

"No, Kokichi's always like this." Rantaro piped up.

"Huh, he's never like that with me." Kaito said, more confused.

"Okay, correction: Kokichi's always like this with his "beloved detective"." Rantaro said, quoting Kokichi.

"Huh, I guess I never noticed." Kaito said before shrugging and eating his food.

"He needs to quit, Shuichi's never going to love him back." Maki said.

"Aw, you're just jealous that Kaito doesn't like you back Maki-roll~" Kokichi teased, his head resting in his hand. Maki shot up from her seat with a knife.

"Do you wanna die?" Maki asked.

"Uh, no. I can't see my beloved emo detective if I'm dead." Kokichi said.

"Too bad." Maki replied before appearing next to Kokichi.

"Maki no!" Kaito and Shuichi yelled at the same time, making Maki and Kokichi raise an eyebrow.

"Life's better without this gremlin." Maki said.

"Hey Ryoma's the gremlin here!" Kokichi yelled, Ryoma rolling his eyes in response.

"Maki please." Shuichi pleaded, making Maki's eyebrows almost disappear into her hair.

"Why do you care so much about him?" Maki asked Shuichi. She had a knife to Kokichi's throat, rendering Kokichi unable to move.

"Maki if you kill him we'll have a class trial remember? You'll be punished." Kaede reminded the other girl, making her move the knife away from Kokichi.

"Fine, but only because I can't be asked to go through the whole class trial shit." Maki said as she walked back over to her seat.

"It never gets boring having a knife to your throat apparently." Kokichi said cheerfully.

"Here Shuichi." Maki said as she threw Shuichi his hat.

"Thanks Maki." Shuichi said, putting his hat back on his head.

"Aw no fair!" Kokichi said, pouting before turning back to his food. Most the class finished their food quietly before they all went their separate ways for a few hours before the movie.


It was five minutes to seven so Shuichi headed towards the gym. As he approached the gym he saw purple hair disappear into the hall.

When the navy haired boy got into the gym, he picked up a bag of popcorn and headed to the back. The gym looked like an actual cinema, it was pretty cool. He sat at the very back, a few seats into the row. Shuichi sat there because he wouldn't be able to hear the whispers of anyone else since he hated people whispering in the cinema.

After a few minutes everyone was there and was taking their seats. Shuichi noticed Kokichi sitting in the middle on the right. Kaito and Maki sat near the front on the left, the same side as Shuichi. Kaede made an announcement that Shuichi didn't pay any attention to before she sat down and the movie started.

Shuichi sat on his own, munching on his popcorn for half the movie. Nothing interesting had happened at the moment, it was kind of boring.

"Ugh, it's so booring~" A voice said from next to Shuichi.

"When did you get there?" Shuichi asked, still looking at the screen.

"Oh you still have popcorn left!" Kokichi exclaimed as he reached for Shuichi's popcorn.

"Nope, that's my popcorn." Shuichi replied as he moved the popcorn out of Kokichi's reach.

"Huh, no fair!" Kokichi whined, slumping in his chair.

"It's not my fault you ate all yours before the movie started." Shuichi said as he popped a piece into his mouth.

"Hmph!" Kokichi said as he crossed his arms and pouted, watching the movie.

"What's the point in movie dates? Like, you just watch the movie, you don't get to know anything about them or anything." Shuichi explained.

"I mean, if it's a boring movie you can make out at the back." Kokichi said, moving his hands to rest behind his head.

"Mhm." Shuichi replied. He wasn't dumb, he knew what Kokichi was hinting at.

"Damn you're boring." Kokichi said, huffing in annoyance.

"You keep telling me that, you don't mean it though." Shuichi said, smirking.

"I'd wipe that smirk off your face if I were you." Kokichi said, looking at Shuichi.

"Or what?" Shuichi asked, looking at the smaller boy in return.

"I'll beat you up." Kokichi said.

"Mhm." Shuichi replied before returning back to the movie. Kokichi sat there, confused. Shuichi popped another piece of popcorn into his mouth.

"Can you not? You're rubbing it in." Kokichi said.

"No I'm not, I'm just eating my popcorn." Shuichi replied.

"I'll beat you up." Kokichi threatened again.

"Try me." Shuichi said, glancing at the smaller boy.

"Shut up." Kokichi said, turning his attention back to the extremely boring movie.

"Make me." Shuichi replied with a smirk on his face.

"Just you wait until this movie is done." Kokichi said.

"Why not now? You said it's boring." Shuichi pointed out.

"Damn, eager much?" Kokichi said, smirking.

"Says you." Shuichi said, eating another piece of popcorn.

"Why's this movie so boring?" Kokichi complained.

"Ask Kaede, she chose it." Shuichi said, shrugging his shoulders.

"She's got shit taste." Kokichi said, making Shuichi chuckle.

"So you wanna make out or not?" Shuichi asked.

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