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Kokichi woke up and glanced at the time. It was half six. He had half an hour before he needed to meet Kaito.

"Shuichi baby~" Kokichi cooed before he started kissing Shuichi's face.

"Mhm? What is it?" Shuichi asked sleepily. The detective opened his eyes before smiling.

"Hello hot stuff." Kokich said with a grin, making Shuichi blush. Kokichi giggled at Shuichi's reaction.

"Why are you so cute? I don't know much my heart can take." Shuchi said, looking at his boyfriend. Kokichi smiled and Shuichi noticed he had tears welling up in his eyes.

"I love you so much. Words can't explain how much I love you, but it's a lot." Kokichi said making Shuichi laugh.

"I love you too Kokichi. I love you more than there are stars in the sky." Shuichi said, smiling.

"That's a lot." Kokichi whispered, making both boys laugh.

"I don't know what I did to deserve you but I'm not complaining." Shuichi said before kissing Kokichi. Shuichi pulled back when he felt something wet.

"I-I'm sorry." Kokichi mumbled, crying.

"Hey, it's okay." Shuichi said, raising his hands to Kokichi's face, wiping away the smaller boy's tears.

"I just love you so much, I don't want to lose you." Kokichi said between tears.

"You're not going to lose me Kokichi. I'm here to stay, I'm never going to leave you." Shuichi reassured his boyfriend, holding onto his face.

"B-but what if something happens to one of us? What if one of us dies?" Kokichi asked, sobbing at this point.

"We won't. Nobody here would kill anyone, we all trust each other. We'll protect each other, I'll protect you. I won't let anybody hurt my supreme leader." Shuichi said with a smile.

"Y-You should join D.I.C.E. That way we'll be protected and nobody will ever kill us." Kokichi mumbled.

"I'd love to Kokichi." Shuichi said with a smile.

"Nishishi~ my beloved finally joining my organisation. Sounds like a dream come true." Kokichi said with a smile, sounding like his usual self. Kokichi looked at the time before sighing.

"You okay?" Shuichi asked in concern.

"Yeah, I gotta go do something." Kokichi said somewhat sadly, sitting up.

"How long are you gonna be?" Shuichi asked, sitting up as well.

"I don't know. Hopefully not long." Kokichi said with a smile before jumping off the bed.

"Okay. Stay safe." Shuichi said.

"I will." Kokichi said before he leaned over to the navy haired detective and kissed him.

"I love you Shuichi Saihara." Kokichi said with a small smile.

"I love you too Kokichi Ouma." Shuichi responded. With that, Kokichi left the room.

The purple haired supreme leader headed for the hanger, trying to calm himself down as he got closer. When he arrived there, he saw Kaito was already there.

"I'm here, what do you want?" Kokichi asked.

"I'm surprised you came." Kaito said. He didn't sound angry like he did whenever he usually talked to Kokichi.

"Well what do you want?" Kokichi asked again. He had better things to be doing than talking to Kaito.

"Why did you turn Maki and Shuichi against me?" Kaito asked, sounding hurt.

"I didn't. Shuichi felt like he was third-wheeling you and Maki all the time so he started hanging out with me. You hated me and started disliking Shuichi for hanging out with me. As for Maki, she didn't want to hurt Shuichi by hating me and came to her senses. As Maki said, you're just blind with hatred." Kokichi explained.

"How do I know you're not lying?" Kaito asked, narrowing his eyes at Kokichi in suspicion.

"It's upsetting Shuichi. I don't want my boyfriend to be upset all the time due to his best friend being a dick. If it means calling a truce and being honest, it's a small price to pay." Kokichi said.

"So you're calling a truce?" Kaito asked.

"Yeah." Kokichi said, his arms resting behind his head.

"Too bad." Kaito said before she swung at Kokichi.

"Kaito what's up with you?" Kokichi asked in confusion as he dodged the punch.

"I've had enough of your shit Ouma." Kaito said as he charged for the smaller purple haired boy again. Kaito swung at Kokichi. The supreme leader jumped out of the way but hit a button by accident. Kokichi looked over to see the hydraulic press slowly moving. Kaito took advantage of the distraction and punched Kokichi in the stomach, sending him flying off the platform.

"Kaito, please." Kokichi said. It wasn't like his usual self, he was begging. Kokichi had a feeling he wasn't going to make it out alive, and that scared the shit out of him.

"No, you've had your last chance Ouma." Kaito said menacingly, walking over to Kokichi. The smaller boy crawled backwards.

"I'll do anything. Please Kaito, stop!" Kokichi yelled. Tears were threatening to spill from the supreme leader's eyes.

"You're too late Kokichi." Kaito said before kicking Kokichi. It seemed that Kaito had no remorse.

"Please Kaito! Stop, please! I don't want to die! Please Kaito stop it!" Kokichi yelled, tears streaming down his face. The astronaut bent down to Kokichi's level before grabbing onto the smaller boy's shirt.

"No." Kaito said before throwing Kokichi. The smaller boy looked up and his eyes widened, realisation dawning on him. Tears were streaming down his face as he yelled out. His screams were cut off by the crunching of bones.

Kokichi was crushed by the hydraulic press.

Suddenly, the monitor switched on.

"Puhuhuhu! A body has been discovered! Everyone go to the hanger." Monokuma's voice said.

"What the fuck?" Maki asked in confusion. Shuichi's eyes widened.

"Kokichi." The detective said. The Ultimate Detective and the Ultimate Assassin ran out of the room, heading for the hanger. The two saw other people headed there but paid them no attention. The two stood outside the door of the hanger.

"Maki I'm scared." Shuichi said, not wanting to open the door out of fear. He had no idea what was waiting at the other side of the door.

"Shuichi, it's okay. Everything will be okay." Maki reassured him. All of the class had gathered at the hanger by now, they were all were waiting for Shuichi to open the door.

He gently opened the door...

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