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Shuichi arrived at the dorms and went straight to his room. He checked the time and it was half six. The detective sat on his bed and picked up his teddy before staring at it.

"Kokichi huh?" Shuichi mumbled to himself before laughing slightly.

Kokichi was a complicated person, Shuichi knew that. However he wanted to get to know the smaller boy better. All he knew about Kokichi was his ultimate and that he lied a lot, and his obsession with grape panta. Shuichi wondered, if he couldn't stop Kokichi from lying, maybe he could understand the reason behind the lying and understand his lies. He already had a good idea of when he was lying and when he wasn't, but he felt like that was Kokichi making it easy for Shuichi more than anything. The detective laid down, tired. Within a few moments he fell asleep.


Shuichi woke up to hearing whispering. He didn't open his eyes, but instead listened.

"Honestly, he needs to close his windows. Anyone can sneak in and kill him." The person said. Shuichi had a faint idea of who it was, but he needed them to talk more to know exactly.

"Honestly, can you room be any more boring Shuichi? There's nothing interesting, there's nothing at all that you're hiding. Not even porn magazines or something?" The intruder said, rooting through his stuff.

"Ooh, that's interesting- not! I swear I'm the only exciting thing you have." Shuichi was confused by this. However, he knew exactly who it was.

"I don't know why you're pretending to be asleep. I know you're awake and I'm not making an effort to be quiet. Just get up already, your room's boring without you." The person said.

"Damn, that obvious?" Shuichi asked as he opened his eyes and sat up, Kokichi coming into his view.

"Of course. You stopped breathing dumbass." Kokichi said, rolling his eyes.

"Oh." Shuichi said.

"Why is there nothing exciting in here? I wanted to find something to tease you with." Kokichi said, pouting.

"I- Sorry I'm too boring for Kokichi Ouma." Shuichi said.

"You seriously have nothing you're hiding?" Kokichi asked.

"Yeah, I have things I'm hiding, but they're not objects, more like facts about me." Shuichi explained, watching as Kokichi's eyes lit up.

"So you're not boring! This is even better!" Kokichi said, making Shuichi groan out of regret.

"I'm not telling you though. It's a secret for a reason." Shuichi said, laying back on his bed with his hands behind his head.

"Aw man!" Kokichi said disappointedly.

"You have things you're hiding, so it's fair." Shuichi said.

"Me? Hiding things? Like what?" Kokichi asked as he sat on Shuichi's desk, swinging his feet back and forth.

"For starters I don't know anything about you." Shuichi said.

"Yeah you do. You know loads." Kokichi said, looking at the other boy.

"Because liking panta and arcades is a lot to know about you." Shuichi said, shaking his head.

"I hate pig feet." Kokichi said randomly.

"Oh that's- uh, interesting." Shuichi said.

"Uh huh. What about you, what's something you hate?" Kokichi asked.

"Gossip. It starts unnecessary drama and hurts people." Shuichi said, the disapproval present on his face.

"Yeah gossip's not too good. It's interesting though, because you get to see people's reactions." Kokichi responded.

"True, but overall it's horrible and I hate it." Shuichi said, Kokichi nodding in agreement.

"What's your opinion on astrofreak and murder girl? Being together I mean." Kokichi asked.

"Uh. I mean, I'm happy for them you know? I'd just hang out with them less because I don't want to third wheel them." Shuichi explained.

"I still think that she deserves better." Kokichi mumbled.

"How come?" Shuichi asked, curious.

"Well for starters he's a dumb sack of shit. He believes in his friends too much. Like, what if one of us got killed? We'd have a class trial and if you or someone else he likes killed the person, he'd be all like "I don't think Shuichi did it, we need to believe in our friends!". Also he bosses you around a lot and calls you sidekick when you do all the work." Kokichi explained.

"I- I don't mind being bossed around, it's not a big deal." Shuichi said nervously.

"Whether you mind or not isn't the point. It just pisses me off." Kokichi said, his eyes burning holes into the floor.

"Kokichi I-" Shuichi started.

"Anyway," Kokichi said, "what do you wanna do?"

"What's the time?" Shuichi asked.

"Oh uh, like 2am I think." Kokichi responded.

"Why did you wake me up at two in the morning?" Shuichi asked, sitting up to look at the smaller boy.

"Oh. Well I was bored and you'd been asleep for seven hours already. Too much sleep makes you more tired so I thought I'd wake you up and bother you." Kokichi said.

"You don't bother me Kokichi, you're the most exciting thing I have." Shuichi said smiling, repeating what Kokichi had said prior.

"Duh, of course I am." Kokichi said, smiling back at Shuichi.

"How did you know you were gay?" Shuichi asked suddenly, catching Kokichi off guard.

"Girls are trash." Kokichi responded.

"That's not-"

"I'm joking. I met a guy." Kokichi said.

"And?" Shuichi asked. Kokichi huffed and rolled his eyes.

"I met a guy, and something happened. I don't know what, but there was something different about him." Kokichi said, shrugging.

"What happened to him? Did you ever get with him?" Shuichi asked. He watched Kokichi's expression change- it was dreamy, like he went into a world of his own imagination.

"I don't know. I'd like to think we did, I'm pretty good at making people fall in love with me." Kokichi said, smirking. Shuichi shook his head, smiling.

"Of course you would be." Shuichi responded.

"Huh? You not believe me or something?" Kokichi said.

"Maybe, maybe not. What are you gonna do if I don't?" Shuichi asked. This time it was his turn to be smirking.

"Want me to prove it?" Kokichi asked, a smirk on his face as he leaned forward slightly.

"Go on then." Shuichi said, curious as to where this was going to go. Kokichi jumped off the table and onto Shuichi, pinning the taller boy against the wall.

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