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"Feel better now?" Kokichi asked.

"Maybe, maybe not." Shuichi said with a smirk.

"Well you shit out of luck." Kokichi said before jumping up and walking away. Shuichi quickly jumped up and grabbed Kokichi's arm.

"I don't think so." Shuichi said before pulling Kokichi in and kissing him. Kokichi smiled into the kiss and wrapped his arms around Shuichi's neck. After a while they broke apart, needing to breathe.

"Oxygen is a pain in the ass." Kokichi mumbled, making Shuichi laugh.

"It is, isn't it?" Shuichi replied rhetorically.

"I'm bored." Kokichi whined.

"What were you doing in your lab?" Shuichi asked, curious.

"Plotting the end of the world!" Kokichi said excitedly. Shuichi raised an eyebrow, not buying it.

"Okay, I was playing with a rubix cube." Kokichi said in defeat, making Shuichi giggle.

"The Supreme Leader of evil can't solve a rubix cube?" Shuichi said, almost mockingly.

"They're impossible!" Kokichi exclaimed.

"Are you wanting to get lunch?" Shuichi asked.

"Kinda, I'm a bit hungry." Kokichi said.

"Come on then." Shuichi said, walking over to the door.

"I thought you didn't want to face anyone?" Kokichi asked in confusion as he caught up with the detective.

"I don't, but I hardly ate breakfast, and if I eat enough now I won't have to go to dinner." Shuichi explained.

"No no, dinner and breakfast and compulsory, remember?" Kokichi reminded.

"No. Anyway, nobody wants to see me anyway." Shuichi said somewhat sadly.

"No, the only people that don't want to see us are Maki and Kaito." Kokichi pointed out.

"Why did it have to be those two? Why couldn't it be Tenko or Korekiyo?" Shuichi mumbled.

"Tenko hates all us "degenerate males"." Kokichi said before they got near the cafeteria.

"That's true." Shuichi said, before giving Kokichi a confused glance.

"You go in, I wanna enter a different way." Kokichi said with a smirk on his face.

"Oh, okay." Shuichi said nervously before he walked to the cafeteria doors. As soon as he walked in, Miu made a comment.

"Heya mister masochist!" She said rather loudly, laughing at the nickname. Shuichi rolled his eyes.

"Miu that's not nice!" Kaede said, punching Miu on the arm.

"Ow! It's Shuichi that likes that, not me Bakamatsu!" Miu said. Suddenly, giggles could be heard. Shuichi looked up to see Kokichi standing on a ledge.

"Oh no." Shuichi groaned. The smaller boy grabbed onto a vibe before swinging on it, making his way down to the table.

"The Joker has arrived!" Kokichi said as he landed on the table right in front of Miu. Shuichi chuckled.

"Oi shitface get off the table, you're gonna step in my food!" Miu yelled.

"Too bad." Kokichi said before kicking Miu's food off the table.

"Fucking asshole!" Miu yelled.

"Duh, that's what being gay includes." Kokichi said, making Shuichi choke on his saliva. Kokichi giggled before jumping off the table and walking over to Shuichi.

"What do you want?" Shuichi asked.

"Aw, is my Batman being cold? Want me to warm you up?" Kokichi asked teasingly. Shuichi rolled his eyes before getting himself some food. Kokichi followed close behind.

The two boys were dishing up their food before Kokichi pushed Shuichi playfully.

"W-what was that for?" Shuichi asked.

"You look like you're at a funeral, cheer up." Kokichi said, a smile on his face.

"It's hard to cheer up when everyone's silently judging you." Shuichi mumbled.

"Well if you can't get through this then you'll never manage dinner, hardly anyone's here." Kokichi pointed out.

"Argh, why did Kaito have to punch me?" Shuichi said, covering his face before running his hands through his hair.

"You called his psycho girlfriend a bully." Kokichi reminded.

"But you call her worse." Shuichi pointed out.

"Yeah, and she tries to kill me." Kokichi said, popping a piece of food in his mouth.

"True." Shuichi says as he reluctantly takes a bite of his sandwich.

"It's a shame I didn't find anything interesting in her file. It's just about her growing up and shit." Kokichi said, looking at the floor.

"Hey, it's fine." Shuichi said before lifting Kokichi's chin up and quickly kissing him.

"Ooh, Shuichi." Kokichi said with a smirk.

"Shut up, I only did it because nobody else can see." Shuichi said, blushing.

"You two look awfully close." A voice said from the doorway. Shuichi looked up in horror to see Rantaro standing at the door.

"Shut the fuck up avocado head." Kokichi said, not bothering to turn around to talk to him.

"You know, it's not sanitary to fuck in the kitchen." Rantaro said, making Shuichi turn bright red.

"W-We weren't!" Shuichi said quickly.

"I'm just kidding, I know that." Rantaro said as he walked over to them and put his plate in the sink.

"Guacamole boy's just jealous that he can't get any." Kokichi said with a smirk.

"If only you knew Kokichi." Rantaro said, making Kokichi laugh. Rantaro walked out the kitchen, leaving the two boys alone. Shuichi stood there, eating his sandwich while Kokichi picked at different foods.

"Are you going to eat properly or just pick at food?" Shuichi asked, wanting the smaller boy to eat properly.

"Why should I have to eat now when I have a full course meal right here~" Kokichi said as he traced a finger down Shuichi's chest. The detective blushed a deep red. Shuichi grabbed Kokichi before kissing the smaller male. He didn't really care if anyone walked in anymore. They kissed for a moment or two before Kokichi pulled away. He walked out the kitchen before telling.

"Ah! Get a room you two!" Kokichi yelled. Shuichi walked out of the kitchen to find Kaede and Miu making out on the table.

"You're just jealous ya little shit!" Miu yelled.

"As if I'd be jealous of a cum dumpster." Kokichi said, rolling his eyes.

"It's better than being a virgin." Miu replied, smirking.

"At least I'm not a pig slut." Kokichi responded. At this point the two were inches apart from each other, both of them yelling.

"Guys!" Shuichi and Kaede said.

"What?" Both of them yelled at their partners.

"You're giving me a headache." Kaede mumbled, rubbing her head.

"I can't imagine what you two are like in bed." Shuichi said, shaking his head. His head shut up when he realised what he said and Miu and Kokichi burst into laughter.

"I can assure you Miu's very loud." Kaede said.

"I'm glad I'm on the other side of the dorms." Shuichi said, making everyone laugh.

"I wish I could say the same." Kaede said.

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