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Shuichi ran after Kokichi, the two heading for the Ultimate Detective's research lab. When Shuichi got there, he saw Kokichi bent over the drawer, looking through the files.

"Ah ha!" Kokichi said as he took one out. Shuichi quickly saw the name on the file:

Maki Harukawa

Shuichi shook his head before reaching in and picking out a different file. The name read:

Kokichi Ouma

"I've got to be honest, I've never looked in these, only my own." Shuichi said as he flicked through the file.

"There's so much information in these." Kokichi said, astonished as he speed-read the file. Shuichi read Kokichi's file, raising his eyebrows.

"I can't tell what's worse, being a masochist or wanting to be tied down and letting the other person do whatever they want to them." Shuichi said, smirking slightly.

"No-" Kokichi whispered in fear as he searched the drawers, looking for his file.

"Looking for this?" Shuichi asked, closing the file so Kokichi could see the name. Kokichi's face was a face of pure terror.

"I- uh, fuck." Kokichi stuttered, his mind going blank.

"Payback." Shuichi said with a smirk.

"That's cheating!" Kokichi said as he lunged for Shuichi.

"No no, it's called using my brain." Shuichi said, holding the file out of Kokichi's reach. Kokichi stared at Shuichi, contemplating something. Shuichi realised what he was thinking about doing.

"Don't take advantage of that!" Shuichi said, taking a step back.

"It's called using my brain." Kokichi said with a smirk.

"No it's not." Shuichi said, stepping back again.

"Mhm, whatever." Kokichi said, turning around and picking up another file. He flipped to the right page and immediately shut it.

"Nope, I do not want to know what that girl's into." Kokichi said, regret in his voice at what he read.

"Let me guess; Miu Iruma." Shuichi said, Kokichi nodding in response.

"I'm scared." Kokichi said, making Shuichi laugh. Kokichi picked up Maki and Miu's file and put them back in the drawer. He held his hand out to Shuichi, signalling to give him the file. Shuichi reluctantly handed it over and Kokichi quickly flipped through it.

"Wow, secretly in love with Shuichi Saihara." Kokichi read before shutting the file and putting it away.

"Does it actually say that?" Shuichi asked.

"Yup!" Kokichi said before walking over to Shuichi.

"Hello mister." Shuichi said as Kokichi stared at Shuichi. Suddenly, Kokichi's face changed, as if he suddenly remembered something.

"I'm such an idiot!" Kokichi announced as he smacked his hand against his head.

"Why?" Shuichi asked, confused.

"I was threatening to beat you up last night." Kokichi said, shaking his head in disappointment.

"Mhm, you were." Shuichi said.

"God can you imagine if I did." Kokichi said, laughing.

"Oh no." Shuichi said, fear in his eyes.

"You were practically admitting it, I hate you." Kokichi said, rubbing his temples.

"On the contrary," Shuichi said, grabbing Kokichi's hips and pulling him into a kiss. Kokichi reached his arms up around Shuichi's neck, kissing the taller boy back. The two stayed like that for a while until they parted for air.

"I still hate you. You're a shit kisser." Kokichi complained.

"Liar." Shuichi said with a smirk.

"Huh, me? A liar? No, I hate liars." Kokichi said, making Shuichi roll his eyes.

"What do you wanna do?" Shuichi asked.

"Well for starters I wanna sit down." Kokichi said. Shuichi grabbed Kokichi and carried him over to Shuichi's desk before placing the smaller boy on said desk.

"Happy now?" Shuichi asked.

"No, I want more kisses." Kokichi complained.

"Greedy are we?" Shuichi said with a smirk.

"Shut up." Kokichi said before bringing Shuichi's head down, kissing the detective again. Kokichi wrapped his legs around Shuichi's waist, bringing him closer. Shuichi chuckled. They separated and Kokichi gave Shuichi a confused look.

"What's up?" Shuichi asked. Kokichi went to reply but quickly jumped off the table and hid.

"Hey Shuichi?" Someone said as the door opened. Shuichi looked to see it was Kaede.

"Hey Kaede." Shuichi said.

"I just wanted to say, I'm sorry for earlier. I was just shocked, I'm sorry for not standing up for you. And I believe you, that you're not screwing Kokichi." Kaede said, a small smile on her face.

"Thank you Kaede, that means a lot. And it's okay, I think we were all shocked." Shuichi said, nubbing the back of his neck nervously.

"I still think of you as our favourite detective: Shuichi Saihara! Nothing's going to change that." Kaede said, throwing her arms up in the air.

"Thanks Kaede." Shuichi said.

"You're welcome. Anyway, I'll be going now, Miu wanted to show me something." Kaede said as she left the room, closing the door behind her. Kokichi fell out of the cupboard, letting out a breath he had been holding.

"Oh my Atua Kokichi!" Shuichi said as he rushed over.

"Don't tell me you forgot about me?" Kokichi asked, sounding hurt.

"O-Of course not! How could I ever forget you?" Shuichi asked, hugging the boy.

"Good." Kokichi said as he hugged Shuichi back.

"I don't want to go to dinner." Shuichi whined.

"You need to eat." Kokichi reminded him.

"I know that, I just don't want to face everyone." Shuichi said.

"If they be a dick I'll beat them up, and just hope they won't enjoy it unlike someone~" Kokichi teased, making Shuichi's face go bright red.

"Watch it Kokichi." Shuichi said as he pushed Kokichi onto the floor, Shuichi above him.

"Oh Shuichi." Kokichi said before flipping them both, Kokichi being on top.

"K-Kokichi!" Shuichi said, his face heating up even more. Kokichi rolled his eyes before he laid down on Shuichi, too tired to hold himself up.

"Mhm you're comfy." Kokichi said as he snuggled into Shuichi. Shuichi chuckled. The detective wrapped his arms around his Supreme Leader.

"Comfier than the bed?" Shuichi asked.

"Yup! You're like a really comfy pillow." Kokichi said, making Shuichi smile.

"You'd think the Supreme Leader of evil would have all the comfy pillows he could ever want." Shuichi said, looking at the boy on his chest.

"That's why I have you, duh!" Kokichi said, a smile on his face. Shuichi rolled his eyes, chuckling.

"Of course." Shuichi mumbled.

"Aw, is Saihara-chan disappointed?" Kokichi asked, looking up at Shuichi.

"Not at all." Shuichi said, looking at Kokichi. Kokichi wiggled up and kissed Shuichi.

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