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"Haha yes!" Shuichi shouted, jumping from his seat. "I beat you Kokichi, I won!" Kokichi watched the boy jump and dance around the machine, the biggest smile on his face. This made Kokichi giggle.

"I guess you did beat me. That's the first." Kokichi said as he slid from his seat and walked over to Shuichi.

"Oh my Atua I beat Kokichi Ouma." Shuichi whispered to himself, making the smaller boy chuckle.

"What do you wanna play next?" Kokichi asked, stretching his arms out and resting them behind his head.

"How about one of the claw machines?" Shuichi asked.

"The claw machines? They're so rigged." Kokichi said, rolling his eyes at Shuichi's stupidity.

"Please?" Shuichi asked, making Kokichi sigh.

"Fine." Kokichi said as he headed for the claw machine, Shuichi following close behind.

"See how cute they are?" Shuichi asked. Kokichi couldn't deny it, they were cute.

"Yeah, but have you ever actually gotten one before?" Kokichi asked, still skeptical of the machine.

"I- no. But I will this time!" Shuichi said as he put a coin into the machine and started pressing the buttons. The claw headed down, grabbed a bear, lifted up but dropped it before it reached the box. This went on for several minutes before Kokichi piped up.

"Move out the way." Kokichi said as he lightly pushed Shuichi out the way. He put a coin in the machine and started pressing the buttons. He aimed for a dark blue teddy, but unfortunately it grabbed onto a dark purple one instead. The smaller boy heard Shuichi gasp as it grabbed onto the teddy and started carrying in towards the box. It was halfway across when Kokichi saw the grip on the teddy loosening.

"Kokichi what are you-?" Shuichi asked as Kokichi moved to the side of the machine. When the claw was just about to drop the teddy, Kokichi threw himself against the machine, making the teddy land in the box.

"If you can't win, make a way." Kokichi said with the biggest grin on his face as he reached down and took the teddy.

"You never fail to surprise me Kokichi." Shuichi said.

"Why thank you. Here's your teddy." Kokichi said as he handed Shuichi the teddy. The taller boy grabbed it and hugged it to his chest. Kokichi giggled as he ran off to play a racing game. Shuichi stared at the machine. He wanted to get a teddy for Kokichi, since the smaller boy was, despite his troublemaker nature, a good friend, and he wanted to thank him.

Shuichi inserted another coin and tried to think of the best way to get the teddy. After a few tries, he got an idea.

"I wonder if.." Shuichi trailed off as the claw picked up the teddy. Shuichi crouched down and put his arm into the box. The bonus of being lanky was that you had long arms. Just as the claw dropped the teddy, Shuichi reached out as best he could and grabbed the teddy by the edge of its ribbon. The navy haired boy sighed in relief as he let the teddy drop into the box and he carefully took his arm out. He watched as the bear rolled out onto the floor before picking it up. Shuichi had decided to get the dark blue one, since it's the one Kokichi aimed for earlier. He smiled to himself before walking over to Kokichi.

"Neeommmm!" Kokichi said as he zoomed around a corner, crossing the finish line.

"Nice finish." Shuichi commented, making Kokichi turn around.

"Nishishi~ thank you." Kokichi responded.

"Oh, uh, I won this for you." Shuichi said as he held out the dark blue teddy. He swore he saw a tear building in Kokichi's eye.

"Thank you Shumai!" The smaller boy said before he jumped up and grabbed the teddy, cuddling it to his chest, not unlike what Shuichi did.

"Do you wanna play more games or head back to the dorms for a bit?" Shuichi asked Kokichi.

"Let's go to the dorms! That way we can put these somewhere and relax a bit." Kokichi said as he held up his teddy. Shuichi nodded in response as they headed for the dorms.

"It's a shame murder girl and astrodummy don't like me, otherwise we could hang out more often." Kokichi said, he sounded... almost sad?

"To be honest I'm not hanging out with them as often anymore. They're always together and I feel like I'm third wheeling them constantly." Shuichi said, making Kokichi laugh.

"Love huh?" Kokichi asked, and Shuichi nodded in response. "As much as I dislike Maki, she can do so much better than Kaito, but nobody's ready for that talk." Kokichi said, his hands resting behind his head.

"When it comes to love though, you can't choose. Unfortunately, everybody would say the same thing about whoever you'll end up with." Shuichi said. Kokichi tilted his head in confusion.

"What do you mean?" Kokichi asked, curious.

"Well most people disapprove of you, so they'd tell whoever you date that they can do better than you. They'll be like "Oh but you can do so much better than Kokichi."" Shuichi explained.

"Hm, I guess that's true. What they don't understand though is the fact that they don't know me. They only think of me as how I want them to." Kokichi said.

"Why though? Why paint yourself to be a bad person?" Shuichi asked, confused at the other's actions.

"The right person will make an effort to get to know the real me. After all, what's love if you love the fake version of someone?" Kokichi responded, leaving Shuichi deep in thought.

"I- That's actually really smart." Shuichi complimented.

"Well duh, the Ultimate Supreme Leader of evil isn't going to be stupid." Kokichi said, rolling his eyes. Shuichi laughed as they reached the dorms.

"Who's room are we going to?" Shuichi asked Kokichi.

"Uh, mines top secret! So yours!" Kokichi said as Shuichi nodded. They walked over to Shuichi's dorm as the taller boy took his keys out his pocket and unlocked the door. Shuichi held the door open for Kokichi, and as soon as both boys were in the room he closed the door.

"What do you want to do?" Shuichi asked as he sat in his office chair. Kokichi took a seat on the bed.

"Hmm, what about kiss marry kill?" Kokichi asked, a mischievous glint in his eye.

"Sure. Who's going first?" Shuichi responded.

"You! Kiss, marry, kill: Kaede, Miu and Maki." Kokichi said.

"Uh, I feel like I'd get stabbed if I tried to kiss Maki. So, uh, kill Maki I guess?" Shuichi said uncertainly.

"Hm, interesting. What about the other two?" Kokichi questioned.

"Marry Kaede and kiss Miu I guess." Shuichi said.

"You'll need bleach after kissing Miu. My turn!" Kokichi said, jumping up and down on the bed.

"Uh, kiss, marry, kill: Tenko, Himiko and Angie." Shuichi said.

"Kill them all, I'm gay." Kokichi responded casually.

"I- fair enough. Okay then, how about-" Shuichi said, thinking. "Kiss, marry, kill: Rantaro, Korekiyo and Keebo."

"Kill Shingucci man, he's creepy. Then kiss Keebo and marry Rantaro, he gives me stoner vibes so that'll be pretty fun." Kokichi responded.

"Okay, my turn again." Shuichi said.

"Kiss, marry, kill: Tsumugi, Kirumi and Angie." Kokichi replied.

"Oh no. Kill Tsumugi, she gives me weird vibes. Kiss Angie and marry Kirumi?" Shuichi said, or more like asked.

"It's supposed to be your opinion, not a question dumbass." Kokichi responded, rolling his eyes. "Anyway, my go!"

"Kiss, marry, kill: Kaito, Gonta, and me." Shuichi said. He was curious to see what Kokichi would do with him.

"Kill Kaito, I hate him. I have to kiss Gonta? Didn't see that coming." Kokichi said, "Oh, and marry you of course! How could I not marry Mr. Detective? He's the only interesting person here." Kokichi said, rocking backwards and forwards slightly.

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