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Shuichi stayed silent, as if he was thinking about it. That, or he knew the answer but didn't want to admit it. Kokichi looked at him expectantly. After what seemed like hours, Kokichi stood up.

"Look if you're not going to give me an answer then I'll leave." Kokichi said, walking over to the door. Before he could take more that three steps, Shuichi grabbed onto his waist and pulled him into Shuichi's lap. The two boys were facing each other, and due to their height there wasn't much difference with them sitting down. Shuichi leaned up and kissed Kokichi, shocking the smaller boy.

"I gotta give you some credit, you really can make people fall for you." Shuichi said with a chuckle. Kokichi's eyes widened at what just happened. "And the answer to your question earlier, is you. I choose you Kokichi."

Kokichi wrapped his arms around Shuichi's neck before leaning forward and kissing the detective. Shuichi kissed back as he wrapped his arms around Kokichi's back, pulling him closer. After a few seconds Kokichi pulled away.

"Duh, of course you'd choose me." Kokichi said, making Shuichi chuckle.

"Well what does this make us?" Shuichi asked.

"What do you want it to make us?" Kokichi asked with a smirk.

"Oh, uh." Shuichi said nervously, making Kokichi giggle.

"There's my beloved detective!" Kokichi said, the biggest smile on his face.

"You're cute when you smile." Shuichi said with a blush.

"I'm cute all the time what are you talking about?" Kokichi asked with a smirk.

"True." Shuichi mumbled.

"Nishishi~ now what's it gonna be detective?" Kokichi asked.

"Uh, do you.. maybe.. uh.. wanna be my boyfriend?" Shuichi asked, his face going as red as Himiko's hair.

"I thought you'd never ask! But do you really wanna be all mushy-mushy with your mortal enemy and the person all your friends hate?" Kokichi asked.

"They don't hate you, they just don't approve of you." Shuichi said.

"Nuh uh, Maki tried to kill me earlier, remember?" Kokichi reminded.

"Oh yeah. Maybe we could keep it a secret?" Shuichi suggested.

"Ooh, Shuichi Saihara, wanting to sneak around and secretly hook up with me?" Kokichi said teasingly. Shuichi went bright red.

"Do you have any better ideas?" Shuichi asked.

"Of course, but sneaking around seems more fun." Kokichi said with a giggle.

"What have I gotten myself into?" Shuichi groaned as he rested his head on Kokichi's chest.

"Nishishi~" Kokichi giggled.

"So, are we official?" Shuichi asked, looking up at Kokichi.

"Hmm let's see.. yup! Now kiss me Shumai!" Kokichi stated before Shuichi leant forward and kissed Kokichi. When they separated Kokichi buried his head into the crook of Shuichi's neck. 

"Awh, who knew the Supreme Leader had a soft side?" Shuichi said teasingly.

"I did, dumbass. Also, to answer your question last night-" Kokichi started, but stopped at Shuichi's confused expression. "When you asked how I knew I was gay, stupidhead."

"Oh yeah, that. Carry on." Shuichi said, now knowing what Kokichi was talking about.

"The answer is: yes, I did get with him. My beloved detective loves me back." Kokichi said with a smile.

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