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The two boys laid in silence, listening to the argument.

"They did nothing wrong!" Maki yelled.

"They did plenty wrong Maki! You know they did!" Kaito shouted.

"Kokichi's pulled a few pranks here and there, pissed a few of us off, called us names, that's all he's done." Maki pointed out.

"And he's turned Shuichi against us!" Kaito replied.

"Shuichi's not against us. You're against him and Kokichi." Maki responded.

"What happened to you hating Kokichi?" Kaito asked.

"He's a little shit, a gremlin, a troublemaker, we all know that. But," Maki stopped abrutly, like she was going to say something but stopped herself.

"But what?" Kaito asked.

"It's hurting Shuichi. He's my best friend, and I don't want him suffering from me hating Kokichi. Kokichi hasn't actually done anything wrong, he's just an annoying little shit. If not hating Kokichi is what I have to do to make Shuichi happy, then it's a small price to pay." Maki explained.

"So Kokichi's got you too." Kaito said.

"Huh?" Maki asked in confusion.

"Kokichi's manipulated you too. Maki-roll, why?" Kaito asked, he sounded hurt.

"Why would I let him manipulate me. I'm the Ultimate Assassin, if he tries any funny shit with me he's dead, no buts. You're just blind with hatred Kaito. Until you've realised that and changed the way you see them, and me, we're over." Maki said before leaving Kaito's dorm. Shuichi and Kokichi looked at each other before there was a knock at their door. Kokichi got up and opened the door. Kokichi got knocked to the floor.

"Kokichi!" Shuichi yelled, jumping off the bed and sitting beside his boyfriend. Shuichi put the smaller boy's head in his lap.

"At least he won't enjoy it." Kaito said, staring at the two boys. Kokichi wiped the blood away from his nose.

"Get lost Kaito." Kokichi said, staring up at the astronaut.

"Kaito what the fuck?" A voice asked. Shuichi leaned to the side to see Kaede standing there. Kaede stepped back a few steps and knocked on the dorm door behind her.

"What do you- are you fucking kidding me?!" Maki yelled. Kokichi looked behind Kaito to see Maki seething with rage. Kaito kept staring at the two boys, hated in his glare.

"You turned Maki against me, fucking faggots." Kaito said before dropping to the floor. Maki stood behind him, a bat in her hands.

"Kaede get Gonta." Maki said before the Pianist nodded and ran off.

"Maki?" Kokichi asked.

"Are you alright?" Maki asked.

"I mean, I just got punched by a six foot astronaut. What do you think?" Kokichi asked.

"I'm sorry." Maki said, fiddling with her hair.

"Kaede said that Maki wanted Gonta?" Gonta asked.

"Ah yeah Gonta, could you put Kaito in his dorm please? He's not dead, just knocked out." Maki asked.

"Of course! What did Kaito do to get knocked out?" Gonta asked as he walked towards Shuichi's door.

"He punched me, bug boy." Kokichi said, still laying on the floor.

"Oh no, is Kokichi alright?" Gonta asked as he picked up Kaito's body.

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